Chapter 118

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Chapter 118 - "These are... the clothes from last time. They have been laundered." (2)

Cheng Huan grinded her teeth and wanted to kick him out. Unfortunately, the little traitor inside the house had already shown him the way in before she could say anything.

XingXing was staring at the meat originally while counting the time. Except that he heard a familiar voice before he counted up to 60. He turned and looked and discovered that daddy was back.

It has been a few days and XingXing missed him a little bit. The little kiddo ignored the meat, climbed down from his chair, and pitter pattered toward the man in his stubby little legs. He tugged on his pants and said, "Daddy!"

"Aye, Baby!" The man put down the bags in his hand, bent down, and planted a kiss on XingXing's cheek.

After a while, Jiang MingYuan now has a 5 o'clock shadow. When he kissed XingXing, it tickled him.

The little kiddo giggled and dodged. Still grabbing onto Jiang MingYuan's pants, XingXing dragged him in the direction of the dining room as he said to him, "Daddy, Mommy made hotpot. It's super delicious!"

Event though this was the first time they have hotpot at home and XingXing had no idea what it tasted like, but none of that was important. Anything that mommy made would for sure be delicious.

Being dragged by XingXing, Jiang MingYuan took a couple of steps forward. He then stroked the little kiddo's cheek and turned to look at the one who was in charge, as though he was waiting for her instruction.

The man didn't even try to hide the smile in his eyes. Cheng Huan hrumphed, gave the little traitor in front of her a stare and forced herself to speak, "Sure. Join us."

When they were talking, the beef that Cheng Huan had placed inside of the hotpot was done cooking. XingXing climbed back onto his dedicated seat, stared at the meat inside of the pot and started bossing around. "Daddy, I meant meat."

"Alright." There were two pairs of chopsticks on the table. One of them belonged to Cheng Huan and the other pair looked like a communal pair. Jiang MingYuan used the communal pair and picked up a piece of meat, rolled it in the sauce in front of XingXing, and fed it to him.

XingXing's sauce was made from sesame paste, peanut butter, etc. with some crushed peanuts. It was very tasty.

The beef was very thin and had soaked up a lot of delectable broth. With it special chewiness and dipped in sauce, it was incredibly delicious.

XingXing chewed it quickly and then asked for another piece. Jiang MingYuan continued to feed him. Cheng Huan gave him a look from the side before she turned around to make him a sauce in the kitchen.

"What kind do you like?"

"Same as yours is fine." Jiang MingYuan turned around and said, "I'm not picky."

Cheng Huan's sauce was slightly stronger than XingXing's. Hers had homemade beef sauce and hot sauced added as well. It has a more savory and fresher taste.

Placing the sauce in front of Jiang MingYuan, Cheng Huan said coldly, "Here."

The man looked at the sauce and the chopsticks, turned to her, and smiled with a good temper. "Thank you."

He was a good-looking man and even more so when he smiled. Cheng Huan was in a trance for a second looking at him. She hrumphed after she had recollected herself and violently pulled out the chair and sat down.

XingXing ate all the meat inside of the pot so Jiang MingYuan added some more inside. The different kinds of ingredients rolling inside the milky broth made it look very pretty. Too bad they were still too raw to be eaten.

Meat was still the first to finish cooking. The thinly-sliced beef was cooked after tumbling a couple of times inside of the broth. Cheng Huan was just about to pick one up with her chopsticks before the man next to her put a piece inside of her bowl.

Meeting her eyes, Jiang MingYuan said, "I haven't eaten with this pair of chopsticks yet."

"Oh," replied Cheng Huan dryly. She then looked away from him and put the piece of meat inside of her mouth. 

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