Dear Diary - 04

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25-August, 2010
( 11 years ago )

Dear Diary,

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! Everyone is a freaking liar!

It's not been a week since Momma's funeral and Daddy has already moved on, he literally brought a new wife.

I can't believe, here I was thinking I had to have his back but now I guess he never needed me, or momma, maybe that's why they used to have arguments, he never really loved her!

And he's firing the shots from his 13 years old daughter's shoulder. He said that I'm the one who needs a mother. How can he possibly think that anyone could ever replace momma.

I don't need any new mother, I have enough memories of my momma and I can live with them till my last breath, but the thing I really needed right now was a little love, a love that can't be bought by money, a love that I've never really got from him, the time and love he has given to his business instead of his family. He never loved momma or me or even his new so called wife. All he ever cared about is his money and Williamson empire.

He used to say that being a Dad isn't his chosen profession, and I'd always took it as a joke but no he was right. He was always right and I was always wrong and stupid.

And what does he think, that the new lady love him? Bullshit she's here just for his money, the title Williamson. May be that's why he brought her, there's a lot common in between them, both are gold diggers.

I'm never gonna accept her as my mother but I won't also fail my momma, and the etiquettes she taught me. I won't disrespect that lady, but won't call her mom either.

Why do parents bring kids to life when they can't be responsible for them. If you can't give them the time that they deserve, if you can't make them happy, all you'd ever do is to make them regret their own living, just kill them just after their birth. Don't let the kid curse its own existence.

I never thought that there will be a day when I'm gonna call myself an orphan, my Daddy is alive but he has lost all the rights of being a Dad. He will never be able to see his old daughter who knew how to smile, how to talk. He would want to hear my voice but he won't. We'll be nothing more than just strangers.

A stranger who's living in his house as a paying guest. I'll do a part time job and pay him for this shelter, but not for too long. One day I'll run away, so far that he would never see my face again, may be he would want to but he won't.

He can buy the world, but can't buy a family, a daughter that he just lost. He left me alone when I needed him the most, he will be alone too. I won't be with him when he would need me, I'll be far far away from this hell!!!


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