Chapter 4 : I Apologize

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To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you someone else is the greatest accomplishment.

Nora's POV -

“ Noriana ” he calls my name and I freeze like a statue, What does he want now? Wasn't that enough?

“ You need something ? ” I ask in a proper assistant accent as I turn around, this time looking straight into his eyes just to see an evil glint in those blue pupils. He pushes his chair away from his table and gets up.

What the hell are you thinking to do!?

While his fingers drumming against the edge of table, he crosses the distance between us.

RIP Nora Williamson!

He stands closer to me and my body gives an involuntary flinch but I don't move an inch. Why would I move? I'm not scared of him!

Maybe a little, he's got muscles.

His eyes still locked in mine, a warning smile makes it way onto face while a rage of vengeance drips off his eyes.

“ I apologize for my behavior ” he sighs, to which I blink twice as though my eyes are trying to penetrate through the invisible mask he's wearing and know his real intentions.

What is going on !?

“ I shouldn't have vented out my anger on you. ” he says calmly, but I swear his eyes are not coordinating with his words, and now I seriously have no idea what should I say. Should I say ' It's okay '?

Nah he would think I'm okay with this rude behavior and he's allowed to talk to me in any sort of way, however, I can say ' You better not behave that way from next time. '

No that sounds too rude!

I keep pondering about how should I respond until I hear a high pitched voice, “ Hans Darling! ”, to which we both, Hans and I, turn our faces toward the door.

There's a blonde girl, with approx 5 cm of makeup on her face, wearing a tight black leather off-shoulder dress, and when I said tight I meant really tight.

How are you even breathing in that dress?

I don't understand what kind of fashion is this, wearing a vulgar dress just to show how sexy you are. Disgusting!

Confession No. 10 - I don't judge a book by its cover, but I do judge people by the way they carry themselves.

“ Don't leave until I order ” Hans whispers to me and I turn my face from the blonde booby to Hans only, while he, on the contrary, moves a step away from me and greets her.

That girl doesn't even bother to look if there's anyone else present in the cabin, she pulls him closer to herself, while her arms graze around his neck, she starts kissing him.

Okay so normal kissing was okay, but I think this is getting a little deep. I mean, come on it's your office where you work, not your bedroom where you...

Hans places his one hand on her hips while tightening his grip on her waist with other and it's getting way too awkward, I better leave. But Hans ordered me not to leave!

Oh no no please not on the table!?

So now I get it, he stopped me not for the apology, but he wanted me to see this. Oh heavens I can't believe he would fall this lower just to make me feel uncomfortable.

You and your dirty head Mr. Male Bitch!

“ Excuse me, don't you have any etiquettes? ” That girl says in a bitter tone pausing their kissing and my cursing process.

“ Can't you see we're having a private moment here? ” she stares me with her two slutty eyes.

What the hell!

“ Excuse me, Mr. Anderson ordered me not to leave! ” I reply sorely looking in Hans' direction to find him enjoying the whole scene.

“ I guess you were absent the day your teacher was teaching about when to use your own brain, but only if you ever been to school ” he sneers trying his best to hide his evil smile.

You pissed the wrong girl Hans Freaking Anderson!

“ Well I was just following my boss's order, and I can't help if my boss doesn't respect his own orders. ” I retort crossing my arms against my chest.

“ But if you had some kind of morals or sense, you wouldn't be having such private moments in office in front of your employee. ” I add as a reply to her words in a calm yet mad tone and leave the cabin not before slamming the door.

I return to my table, a dark shade of red gets mixed with my pale skin because of the anger that is overwhelming me. I don't care if he fires me, I know what I did was right!

That blonde booby, who doesn't even know which place is made for what thing, was teaching me etiquettes, I would have slapped her on the spot!

I was halfway murdering Hans and that blonde booby in my head when Andrew Walker, the senior HR manager approaches me,“ Everything's alright? ” he asks in a polite way as my anger is clearly visible on my face.

“ Nothing much, just had an encounter with Mr. CEO's wife ” I tell with a small smile plastered on my lips. It's bad manners to talk to your senior in an upset way.

“ Wife! ” he widens his eyes and grins like I told a joke or something,“ I think you're talking about Nadia, she's not his wife.”

Oh so they are not married yet.

“ She's his this week's girlfriend.” he apprises holding his tummy which is by now aching due to laughter.

Seriously? I mean I knew he was a jerk, but at least he used to pretend he's a gentleman and look at him now. Although it's better to show his asshole yet real face instead of the loyal yet fake one.


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