Chapter 7

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He barely recognized himself, because in the photo he was like what he was now- tall, tattooed, lean. There were five men in the photo, including himself, and he easily recognized Louis as the small brunet beside him. On Louis' other side was a slightly taller blond wearing a huge grin. On Harry's other side was a darker skinned man, obviously of a different ethnicity, and a man who Harry genuinely mistook for Justin Timberlake before he realized it was just a pretty good look alike.

The five of them were all smiling widely and Louis was holding up a shiny looking award. They were all dressed up and it looked like they were on a stage, and Harry vaguely wondered what the story was behind the picture.

Sighing, he sat down on the couch and looked at Louis' phone. It was definitely one he'd never seen before, and it took him a while to figure out how to navigate it. When he'd finally managed to get it to call Anne, he held it up to his ear and waited.

"Louis!" his mother picked up, sounding worried. "What's going on, love? I thought you and Harry were using this day to just be by yourselves for a while?"

"Mum?" Harry said hesitantly, and. Oh. His mother obviously knew this Louis person, and thought Harry did too.

"Harry, love?" Anne said, sounding confused. "Why are you calling me on Louis' phone?"

"Mum, I don't know what's going on," Harry said, and his voice went suddenly thick with unshed tears because he was so lostand he just wanted to understand. "I just- I just woke up in this strange house and I don't know anyone and-"

His voice had been steadily rising with panic and a few tears managed to slip out. "Harry," Anne cut him off, alarmed. "Slow down, sweetheart, what are you talking about?"

"I, uhm," Harry scrubbed at his face, trying to force back the tears. "Mum, how old am I?"

"Harry, what are you talking ab-"

"Mum," he interrupted. "How old am I?"

"Darling, you're twenty six," Anne said slowly. "Why are you asking me this?"

"Oh fuck," Harry whispered, covering his face with his free hand. "Mum, I don't. The last thing I- the last thing I remember is going to bed the night before my X-Factor audition. And then I wake up in this strange house with this complete stranger telling me I'm his husband and-"

"Shh," Anne said soothingly. "Calm down, it's okay, sweetheart. Do you want me to drive down? Or Gemma maybe? Zayn and Perrie are taking the kids, right?"

"Uhm, yeah," he said, letting out a little breath. "Yeah, I think that's what Louis said. The kids are going somewhere."

"Alright, I can be down in three hours, depending on the traffic," Anne told him. "But in the meantime, Harry, have you told Louis that you can't remember anything?"

Harry nodded, relaxing a little because his mother was coming and she was going to make everything right. Or at least make things less confusing, less like he'd been thrown into a strange world where he knew nothing. "Yeah, he knows that I have no idea what's going on. He said he'd explain once he'd gotten the kids sorted."

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