Chapter 17

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By the time Anne was just finishing her cooking, Harry and Louis were sitting in the living room with the laptop. Harry had tried to help her but she'd shooed him away and told him to get to know his past better, so Louis had brought out the laptop again and they were just going through videos and interviews and music. They were pressed against each other's sides, having started out with a little space between them but sharing a laptop was hard if you weren't right next to each other.

Harry found he really didn't mind.

They were interrupted by the front door banging open and a loud voice shouting before Luke came tearing into the room throwing himself on Louis' lap because Harry's was occupied by the laptop.

"Hey, love," Louis chuckled, wrapping his arms around the boy and hugging him close. "Did you have a good time today?"

"We went to the aquarium and I saw a sting ray this big!" Luke said with a grin, holding his hands out as wide as he could.

Zayn and Perrie came into the room, both with pink cheeks from the cold and smiling widely. Zayn was holding Annie and Harry closed the laptop and set it aside. Luke immediately crawled onto his lap and he hesitated just a second before hugging him the way Louis had. It was a little foreign because Luke was bouncing on his knee and babbling in his excitement but it was kind of easy to just smile and nod and make a vague comment here and there. The little boy didn't look like he suspected anything at all.

"How was she?" Louis asked, standing up and taking Annie from Zayn. The baby smiled widely when she caught sight of Louis and the brunet grinned back at her, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"She was just perfect," Perrie beamed, adjusting the little hat on Annie's head. "We had a really good time."

"Hey, Harry," Zayn said, drifting over to Harry and sitting next to him. "How are you doing?"

"Alright," Harry answered slowly, knowing Zayn was asking about the memory loss but he wasn't supposed to say anything around Luke, who was clinging to Harry's shirt.

"Luke, your grandmother is in the kitchen if you want to say hello," Louis called, looking away from Perrie who was holding Annie again.

Luke shouted and jumped off Harry's lap, tearing off into the kitchen. Louis and Zayn rolled their eyes and Louis sat down on the arm of the couch, looking between Harry and Zayn.

"So, remember anything?" Zayn asked lightly. Perrie glanced up at them from where she was bouncing Annie gently in her arms.

"Nope," Harry replied, shaking his head.

"The specialist said he didn't have any memories of the last ten years to begin with," Louis explained, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder. "If he had amnesia or something the memories would still be there, just locked away or something. But Haz just doesn't have them. They're gone."

"So..." Zayn glanced between them, his brow furrowing. "Does that mean he won't remember anything?"

"Not a thing," Louis replied, letting his hand drop.

Perrie frowned at the three of them before shaking her head. "I'll take Annie to see Anne, you boys can talk," she said softly, slipping from the room.

"That's just..." Zayn said, looking at Harry. "I mean, the last ten years have been the best years of our lives. I can't believe you'll never remember them."

"Its okay, really," Harry said with a tentative smile. "I can't miss what I never had, right? Is that how the saying goes?"

"I don't think so," Louis answered him, but he sounded far off, distracted.

"Well, what'll you do, Harry?" Zayn asked. "Are you going to go live with Anne for a while?"

Louis whipped his head around to glare at Zayn, and Harry just looked at the both of them, confused. "Why would I go live with Mum?" he asked with a frown.

"Well, I just assumed since you don't know Lou or the kids but you do know her..." he said, trailing off because Louis' expression was ice cold.

"I'm not just going to up and leave," Harry said quietly. "I mean, I might have the maturity of a sixteen year old kid but I do have children to think about now."

"Exactly," Louis said, tone just a tad snide. "We're not telling Luke about the memory problems so he can't leave anyway. And there's no way I could handle both Luke and Annie on my own."

"Okay, okay," Zayn said, raising his eyebrows and holding up his hands. "Point taken, sorry I asked."

Louis' expression softened a little and he sighed, rubbing his hands over his thighs before standing. "I'll go check on Anne and the kids."

Harry and Zayn watched him go before they glanced at each other. "I wish he didn't have to deal with this," Harry said after a moment, quiet. He hated seeing how stressed Louis looked, how rare it was to get a genuine smile from him. Harry knew Louis just wanted his husband back and he felt bad because he couldn't give that to him.

"You and me both," Zayn replied.


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