Louis sick on the X Factor

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Request from MajaAvocado 


"Louis you look pale, you sure you alright?" Liam asked for the 10th time that morning. "for the millionth time Liam. I'm alright, just nerves" Louis answered with a huff. "the why're you rubbing your stomach??" Harry asked. "just, forget it. I'm fine." He said angrily and stormed out. No one needed to know that the reason he left was because he couldn't stand watching Niall eat any more burritos and no one certainly needed to know he was sick. He was the oldest in the band, he was capable of taking care of himself, right? "You think he's alright?" Zayn asked looking up from his phone. Harry shrugged. "im not sure, get ready though, we have rehearsals in half an hour, i'll go find him" Liam said and left as well. Finding Louis was hard considering he was sitting on the stairs observing a crack in the wall rather keenly. 

"Louis we've got rehearsals soon, c'mon" Liam said and Louis inwardly groaned before going back to their shared room. His stomach was churning and he felt like he was going to throw up. 'great, just great'  were the words playing in his head. He felt heat rise in his chest. he gulped down. "I- um, I'm just go have a wee" He said in a hurry and rushed to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He knelt down beside the bowl and one glance at the clear water made his stomach lurch and send everything he had eaten in past day up his throat. He was just praying no one had heard him. Once he was certain he was done he flushed the toilet and washed his face which looked even paler now. With a sigh he left. 

"You look like you've just seen a ghost" Niall commented. "geez, thanks Niall" Louis said, his voice cracking because of the rawness of his throat. "i know you hate me asking but are you sure you're alright?" Zayn asked. Louis did a quick debate in his mind whether to tell them or not, finally deciding on not. "i'm fine" he said. "ok then, we'll get going then" 

Louis had never felt happier about not having any solos, his throat was scratchy and he was feeling like he'd been made to drink a litre of milk that's been sitting in the sun for a week and then told to not throw up. He felt hot and sweaty and in the next moment he felt as if he was left naked outside in dead winters. He kept gulping down anything that tried to make its way out and surprising managed to make it through the entire rehearsal without spewing his guts. 

They were all tired so they decided to watch a few movies and sleep a little early. "you pick the movie, i'll just be right back" Louis said and went to the bathroom to throw up. Louis' stomach contracted over and over again, sending all the food he had been swallowing down for the past 3 hours right back up and into the bowl. He spat into the bowl and shut his eyes to avoid looking in the toilet. He wanted to tell the boys so bad but something inside him kept telling him not to and that he could handle it himself. He let out a shaky breath, flushed the toilet and left after washing his face and rinsing his mouth to get rid of the horrid taste. 

"there you are, we were waiting for you" Niall called, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth. The buttery smell made Louis' stomach turn and the crunching along with it doing him not much good so he sat as far away from Niall as possible. They watched movie after movie, not realising how long they'd been awake, every passing second becoming increasingly torturous for Louis. 

Liam turned the TV off just as it was nearing 12am. "so much for sleeping early,  lads" he said with a chuckle and watched the others scramble into bed. Louis' stomach hadn't stopped churning, instead it just kept intensifying. His stomach lurched making him gag which he tried coving up with a cough but it just made him feel even sicker. Louis covered his mouth and gagged again, shutting his eyes. There was no making it to the bathroom and no way he was going to be able to keep it down. He released his hand and threw up right there. Harry sat up and rubbed Louis' back as he threw up again. Louis began to cry, he felt embarrassed and he gagged again. "sshh, don't cry, you'll make yourself more sick" Harry said in a comforting tone. Louis threw up again. "that's it, let it out, you're ok" Harry could have been just 16 but he knew exactly what to say to make Louis feel better. Louis threw up one last time and slumped back into Harry. 

"why didn't you say you felt this sick?" Liam asked snapping out of his shock. "i thought i could take care of myself" Louis mumbled. "c'mon let's get you cleaned up. Harry helped Louis up and led him to the bathroom. "shower?" Louis nodded so Harry let Louis be and went back. 

"we need to tell someone to clean that up" Harry said and Liam nodded grabbing his phone and turning on the torch. He walked down the stairs and went to the X Factor staff quarters. He felt bad for having to wake someone up but they didn't have any supplies to clean it up themselves so he had no choice. He woke one of the cleaners up and told her what had happened. The cleaner was understanding and told him to go back and that she'd come to clean it up. Within another couple minutes, the cleaner came and cleaned the place. She left an extra bucket behind and left. The boys thanked her and apologised for waking her up that late at night. 

It took Louis a couple days but he was feeling good as new just in time for the live shows. 


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