Harry Sick at School

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In this one Harry, Liam, Niall and Zayn are 17 and in 11th grade. Louis is 18 but still in 11th Grade since he failed a year. Louis and Harry have a crush on each other but have never told each other that. 


Harry POV

Mom and Dad weren't in town, Gemma was in her own house in London so naturally they left me at home, all alone. A couple of hour after they left, I felt extremely bored so I called Niall, one of my best friends to come over. He lived only 3 houses away from me so we met a lot. The day went well and by the end of it, something just didn't feel right so he left and I went to bed. 

The next day I got out of bed, with nausea passing though me. "This is just great" I said to myself. I felt sick, but I couldn't miss school because i hadn't been sick yet and according to the thermometer my temperature was a tiny but higher than usual but not high enough to be considered a fever. I got dressed and grabbed a large hoodie since I was freezing. 

I walked to school and met all 4 of my best friends at my locker "Hey" I croaked, waving. I sounded awful, and by the look on their faces, i could tell, they had noticed. "You sound like shit" Liam said. "I feel like shit" "You were fine yesterday, though" Niall stated. I nodded, while Zayn asked me what my symptoms were. "Headache, nauseous, chills, runny nose, sore throat, i don't know, just feel terrible" I said, sniffling which lead me into a pretty aggressive sneeze fit. "You look miserable" Niall said. I rubbed my nose, which was like a faucet. "I think you should put that hoodie on, you're shivering" Louis said, finally speaking up. I blushed on hearing his voice and nodded, slipping on the warm piece of clothing. I had a slight, no, huge crush on Louis, but i didn't know what he would say if I confessed my love for him. 

The bell rang and we went out separate ways to out respective classes. All 5 of us had most of our classes together but not today, today I had Louis with me in all my classes. Liam in 2 out of 8 while I had only 1 with Niall. With Zayn I had 1 as well, which was kind of upsetting since he was like my older brother, you see, I was the youngest so i got a lot of attention. The one I had with all of them was 6th period, right after lunch and with the nausea building in me, I doubted I would make it without throwing up. I somehow made it to lunch, but I felt worse than ever by then. I sat at out table and lay my head down. 

"Louis, check if he has a fever" Liam said and Louis obeyed. I felt slightly relieved when a cold hand pressed against my burning forehead. "He's burning up, definitely a high fever there" Louis said. "Haz, wanna go to the nurse?" Zayn asked. I shook my head 'no'. I gently rubbed my stomach hoping that the nausea would pass, but it did not, it just increased. "You still nauseous?" Niall said, he could read me like an open book. I nodded, "more than before" I mumbled. "Huh, what was that?" "he says he's more nauseous than before." Louis answered for me and I nodded sensing the others waiting for an approval. "Let's get you to the bathroom, the smell of food isn't helping, is it?" Liam said coming over to me. It definitely wasn't helping so I got up and all 5 of us made out way to the bathroom. 

I gagged into my fist half way through a dead hallway on our way to the and the others picked up their pace, dragging me with them. Them dragging me was better than me spewing everywhere. Once we got to the bathroom, I sprinted to a stall, bringing up everything my stomach had to offer with Liam rubbing my back. The bell rang but I still wasn't done, so Louis told Zayn and Niall to tell the teacher that I was sick so they would be late. I was glad they were staying with me asking me to calm down and take my time instead of rushing me through everything. 5 minutes later, I was just dry heaving and crying. "Harry, I think you're empty, calm down, relax and we'll take you to the nurse." Liam said and Louis nodded in agreement. 

"G-go t-t-to c-cla-ass" I said between sobs. "No, you're ill, and we are not leaving you alone" Louis said helping me up. They took me to the nurse and they filled her in on the events of the lunch break. She took my temperature and said "I'll call your mom, honey". I told her that I was all alone at home and not to call her. Louis volunteered to take me home, since he's 18 and has a driving license the nursed allowed him. Liam got both of our things and returned to see me throwing up again into a bowl with Louis rubbing my back. Louis took both our bags and put it in the car and helped me into it. 

"There are bags in the glove box, if you need them" He said and started the car. I ended up using one immediately. "You really don't feel well, do you?" I nodded and rested my head on the seat. "Dizzy" I said and he stopped for a moment to feel my forehead again. "You need an ice bath, quick" he said and drove a little faster. We got home and I handed him the key. He unlocked the door and set me on the couch, going to the bathroom, probably to get a shower ready. "I can take care of myself Lou, you can go" I said, weakly, not really having the energy to do anything. "Yea, that's why you nearly face planted on the front porch due to a dizzy spell." he chuckled and I let out a small giggle leading me to cough. He got me in the shower, with my boxers on and after roughly 5 minutes of staying under the freezing water, he allowed me to get out. "Change into the clothes, I've left, call me if you need help, don't be ashamed" I put on my boxers and the shirt that Louis had left out, I was having a little trouble with the sweatpants so I called him. He helped me put them on and we sat back down on the couch. 

"Be right back" he said and came back within seconds with a thermometer in his hands. "Open up" I obeyed. "103.7, geez, you're burning up" I sighed and fell into his lap drifting off into a light sleep. I woke up to a smiling Louis looking at me. "How are you feeling, baby?" "Like shit" I said and gagged. "Shit" he said and pushed a bin under my chin in time for me to heave up water. "You still have stuff in you to bring up" He said, I nodded and threw up again. Once I was done I fell onto him. "baby? why baby, no one other than mom ever calls me baby" I said. "Long story, well not really, but It's definitely a happy one" "What" and with that he told me a story that indeed was happy, but wouldn't have been if Louis didn't have a soft spot for me. 

Louis' POV

While Harry was asleep, I thought I heard him talk, I smiled and sat down next to him. He looked so adorable asleep but even more so now that he was sleep talking. I didn't really pay attention to his mumbling nonsense till I heard the word 'Louis'. I looked at him and then he said the first clear sentence he had in a very long time of babbling nonsense. "I love you, Louis" he said, still asleep and definitely not aware of what he had just said. 'Does he actually love me?' ' Did he just confess his love for me in his sleep?' 'Is this a fever induced hallucination, that he just said?' 'Am I dreaming?', a million questions occupied my mind, but I just smiled at him and stoked his hair. "I love you too, Haz" He smiled as if he had heard me, but he hadn't since he woke up a couple minutes later, puking into the bucket I placed under him. 

Unknowingly I called him 'baby' while trying to comfort him. He asked my why and I told him about his sleep talking and how he told me that he loved me in his sleep. Harry turned bright red and smiled when I asked him if he honestly felt that way for me. "I have had a crush on you for years" he said. I turned to him and asked him why he hadn't told me that. I felt my cheeks become hot as he spoke. I hadn't told him this yet, but I have had a massive crush on him ever since we met in 6th grade. He looked down at his feet and played with his fingers nervously. "I've had a crush on you since 6th grade, Haz" I confessed, his eyes lighting up. "Have you really?" he said excitedly leading him to a cough fit. I giggled and nodded "yea" I mumbled. We went up to Harry's room and cuddled through the night. 

No one POV

Harry felt better the next morning, no nausea, just a slight fever and dull headache. Louis took the day off school and so did Harry, since he still wasn't a 100% better. When they returned back to school, they told their other 3 friends about how Harry's feverish sleep made him confess his love to the boy he loved and how that led to Louis revealing his feeling for Harry. They both cared about each other more than themselves, and made a brilliant couple, so everything was good. 


This one pretty long compared to others. Hope you are enjoying my stories. Leave comments, please, I love reading them. Also, check out the announcement I made about asking me anything you would like to know about me.


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