Harry Sick after an Argument (Lirry)

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I had a few people telling me that they really like the sick after breakup story in this book and the sick after fight story in my other book, so I decided to write another one but Lirry instead of Larry. Enjoy!!


It was merely 4:30am, and Harry was wide awake with an excruciating stomach ache on his and his husband of 2 years, Liam's anniversary. Liam was fast asleep as he should have been. He felt like absolute trash and thought some water might help so that's what he got himself. Instead of going back to the room, he spent the night on the couch, listening to music to calm his mind and make him forget about the pain. He fell after 2 hours of tossing and turning. 

Liam woke up to find the other side of the bed empty. 'Where's Harry gone' he thought. The bathroom door was open and the lights were off, so wasn't in there. Next Liam checked their home recoding studio and Harry wasn't there either. He checked the guest bedroom and kitchen and Harry wasn't in either of those places. Last place he checked was the living room and that's the place where he found Harry, curled up in a ball, sleeping on the couch. He shook Harry awake. "Harry, babe what are you doing here?" "trying to sleep" he mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes. "Happy Anniversary" Liam wished and Harry did too. "Now, Get up, I'm making us breakfast, anniversary special you know" Liam said and walked to the kitchen. Harry groaned, the sound of food was making him nauseous but he didn't want to ruin the day so he kept his feelings to himself. 

Liam laid out 2 plates, heaped with food, so much, that even Niall would struggle to finish. "Wow Li, didn't know you could cook. Looks delicious but I doubt I'll be able to finish it" Harry commented looking at his plate. To him, the food didn't look or smell delicious. His stomach was churning and protesting against every bite of food that he swallowed. "Sorry, Liam, I just can't eat anymore" Harry said and got up. He sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, hoping it would take his mind off his upset stomach. Liam felt offended. Not only did Harry barely have any of the food he made, he also didn't even sit at the table while he ate to give him some company.

Liam joined Harry on the couch when he decided that he couldn't eat more. "Haz, let's go out for lunch, like a date" Liam said and Harry nodded. Finding himself interested in what Harry was watching, Liam sat down beside Harry. Harry wasn't paying attention to the TV. His mind was thinking of when he should go to the bathroom to if he even needed to. After a couple of minutes, Harry knew that he did need the toilet and it wouldn't be long before he threw up. The breakfast wasn't sitting well in his already unsettled stomach.

Harry got up quietly and left without a word. Once he was out of Liam's sight, he picked up some speed and sprinted to the bathroom, dropping down in front of the toilet. He gagged a couple of times before bringing anything up. When he did throw up, it felt like it would last forever. He was beyond glad when he stopped puking. Now the only problem was getting through this lunch date Liam had planned. Harry flushed the toilet and watched the water drown his stomach contents.

"Where did you go, Harry? " Liam questioned when Harry returned. "Bathroom" Harry replied. "with your phone, did you think I would not have noticed" Liam said, anger apparent in his tone. "I dint know I took it" "Of course you didn't" Liam said sarcasticly. "Can we go for the date later, Li" Harry asked, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep food down.

"Why so?"

" 'cause-" Harry started before stopping as he felt a burp approaching.

" Because what Harry? Because you're going out with Kendall"

"No Liam, I'm not going anywhere with Kendall"

"as you say liar"

"did you just call me a liar" anger starting to form in him on account of the false accusation.

"You heard me right, Curly"

"I'm not feeling good and this isn't helping"

"Good excuse"

"You know what"

"What? You're gonna cheat on me"

"That's it, I've had fucking enough" Harry said before grabbing his car keys and storming out.

He drove around a bit before stopping at a park. He figured some fresh air would do him good. He sat down on one of the benches and rubbed his temples. He heard whispers from behind and just as he turned around he found a group of about 10 girls whispering in each others ears. On a regular day, he would be happy to meet some fans but today, he just wasn't in the mood.

The fans introduced themselves to Harry and asked for signatures and pictures which Harry provided them with. He started feeling ill again and being in the middle of a group of fans surrounding him wasn't helping. Harry was sweating buckets as he felt heat rise in his chest and an unpleasant familiar feeling return. One fan semed to notice his discomfort and she sent the others away. "Go away , you've got your selfies now give him some space" she said. Harry would have thanked her, but he couldn't as he doubled over, hands on his knees, vomiting more of the day's breakfast onto the cemented pavement he was standing on. "it's alright, let it out, you'll feel better" she comforted, rubbing his back up and down seeing Harry blush with embarrassment.

"Hey, you, delete that picture, show some respect" she said, noticing a flash go off. "Let's sit down shall we" she said, as Harry wiped his mouth off with his sleeve. " what are you doing here when you're sick?" She asked as they sat down on The closest bench. "Kinda got in an argument with someone and came here to cool down" she nodded. "I'm Julia by the way Harry, call me Jules" "Thanks Jules" "Happy to help" Harry looked for his phone but soon realised that he left it at home. "Anything wrong?" Julia asked noticing Harry feeling his pockets. "No, just left my phone at home" "You can use mine" "Thanks, can you ring Niall up for me, please, I'll give you his number" Julia called Niall and hoped he would pick up and take her seriously. Luckily he did.

*Phone call*

Niall - Hello

Julia - Hi Niall, this is Julia here, can you please take me seriously and not think this a big joke.

Niall - Hello Julia, What's so important.

Julia - Harry asked me to call you, he's not feeling well, we are in the central park, behind the swings.

Niall - ok Love, I'm on my way, can I speak to Harry please.

Julia - sure *hands phone over to Harry*

Harry - Hello

Niall - Hey Haz, what's wrong bud?

Harry - Feel sick Ni and Liam doesn't believe me.

Niall - what kind of sick. Stomach?

Harry - Ya, threw up too. Please come.

Niall - ok mate, I'm coming.

*call ends*

After 2 minutes, Harry felt sick to his stomach again and felt the need to vomit. " M gonne be sick again" He said and puked on the groud between his legs. Julia was still there with him and tried comforting him.

Niall arrived and saw Harry laying down on a bench with a girl by his side. "Hi, I'm guessing you're Julia" he said and earned a nod from Julia. "Did he get sick again after you called me?" Niall asked, noticing two puddles where they were standing. "Yeah, I think he's got a fever too" Julia said, she sounded like she was going to cry herself. She just met 2 members of One Direction in a park, who wouldn't be crying. "Harry, mate, let's get you home shall we" Harry nodded and sat up, adding to the previously created puddle. "Sorry" Harry mumbled "for what?" Niall asked, while Julia watched the two bandmates bond. "for dragging you here" "I would have been mad if you hadn't" "What about Liam" "He doesn't know yet, I'll tell him and Louis when we get in the car ok" Harry nodded. "Thanks a lot Julia, you're a life saver" Niall said and Harry nodded in agreement. "Call me if you need anything. Don't flinch and I've deleted your number Niall, it's not going to get leaked" Julia said. "Thanks Jules" Harry managed to croak out. "Feel better Harry" she called as the two boys disappeared into the car and drove off.


Stay tuned for part 2 which is coming soon. Also massive thanks for over 4K reads!!! That was 3K in 1 month, that's seems crazy to me


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