Pacita and Mito 3

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After receiving the report Mito finds himself walking to Pacita's room.
Today he called the most famous jewelry brand company to accompany the Madame.

He knocks on the door and finds the empty room. Only Pacita was inside.

"They left?"
Mito puts the tea down that the maid pour for him.
The maids already left giving them privacy.
There is a snow globe beside the tea cup.

Pacita is rubbing her hand on it with a grin.
"I told them that their designs are a bit lacking to my taste. The manager is eager to go back after I have him a design I want for a necklace."

"A necklace?"

Pacita paused and stares at the Duke.
"Your grace, do you also want one?"

Mito tilts his head.
He doesnt like flashy ornaments on his body so he shakes his head.

Pacita was relieved.
"Good thing. I didnt see you wearing even a ring so I thought you dislike them but since I am asking them to make me a necklace with identical image. I thought you might feel left out so I panic." She sips the tea with a smile.

"Identical image?"

Pacita describes her idea.
Its a small necklace with red rubie and gold design.
She likes jewelry but she thinks its too flashy for a guy so she requested a customized necklace for her and Amadeus.

Mito raised his eyes and stare at Pacita who is happily chatting.

"You are really close?"
He said unconciously.
He regretted saying it afterwards.
Whats he is unsatisfied?
Its good if she can replace Amadeus sorry excuse for a mother. Just, like Amadeus, Mito feared to be betrayed.

Pacita chuckles but want to sigh inwardly.
What else can she do?
The maids asks her if she will send a letter to Amadeus but can she write?
Now that the jewelry manager offer her assistance then send him a gift. Its not her own money anyways and she is thrilled with the idea of walking around the town with same outfit and necklace with the Duke and young Duke. They will surely look very pretty. Just...
She looks secretly at the Duke.
It seems necklace wont be possible.

Mito looks at Pacita who keeps smiling to herself.

"Some vassal lord came to see me asking about you. They complain about your lack of interest in the society and the fact that you refused to visit your maiden family."

Pacita paused and frowns.

"I told them that your body is too weak after the incident and still recuperating. Also some people keep wanting to send instructor for Amadeus."

Pacita frowns.
"He studies when he is away. He still study when he is at home. Yet instead of improving he will just waste his time taking class with those people that sent by those old men. Isnt that unproductive?" Pacita still remembers an episode where she made fun of Amadeus sword instructor. Yet she cant remember his name very well.

Mito smiles.
"So you want me to refuse?"

Pacita thinks the Duke is too nice. Unlike the rumor about him.
The instructors may sound impressive but they are lacking yet he didnt instantly reject them?
If it was Pacita, she will immediately refuse.
Its expensive to pay for a teacher. Why waste money to incompetent people?

"His new sword instructor is very handsome when he hold the sword. Just let him teach."

Mito raised a brow.
Calling another man handsome?

Pacita doesnt mind calling an old man handsome.
Cause he does look handsome and heroic when he teaches Amadeus.

"Calling another man handsome is not very well recieved especially in our circle."

Mito didnt reprimand Pacita calling someone else but he needs to remind him the norm or else she will find herself in predicament later.

Pacita covers her mouth and silly stuck her tongue out and then hides it.
Mito smiles and drink his tea.
Its still afternoon so they enjoyed it in liesure.


I thought I upload this chapter yesterday. Tee-hee. Thanks for reading

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