Pacita's Secret 1

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Pacita's secret 1

Arben's P.O.V

I was from a wealthy merchant family.
I have three older brothers that help our father in our businesses.

I always thought I would start handling one of the small businesses when I grow up but because of my mother nagging, Father let me study in an aristocratic school.
It scares me when my father tells me one day.

That's just last year.I was ten. I don't have a proper education but my parents teach me at home.
I was scared when I first came to school and was ignored when they learned that I don't have their 'noble blood'.
As a merchant, I need to learn how to mix in with the nobles. So I cheered myself up and started working my ass off to flatter everyone.
They sucks at flattery.
I thought I'm doing well until I started hearing about this impressive Duke's son.
I tried meeting him.
Amadeus Irevelis.
If I can be close to him, that'll be amazing.
Think about it, the Irevelis family are very rich.
Plan to get closer.
Ofcourse I am prepared to get slapped in the face and get beaten up.

"That….That book you are reading…" I stutter when Amadeus raises his eyes from the book and stares at me.
Red hair, golden eyes.
It's beautiful. Like a fierce wild animal that boasts about its beauty and strength.

"......It's a book about the lost knowledge of the Yonk Kingdom right? I always think it's impossible for such a big and successful kingdom to collapse so easily." I wipe the sweat in my forehead and look down.
It's over. Why the hell does my mouth run like this?

"It's because the Queen dies with her unborn baby. The King raised his sword and kill the people involved in the murder." Amadeus said, putting the book down.

I was shocked.
Amadeus, this person,is talking to me?

"Killing the people who harmed his family is romantic. A Lot of scholars think that the King is deeply in love with his wife. But the truth is really an eye opener. The King learned about the Queen's infidelity. Killed the Queen and the unborn baby and blamed the Queen's flame for her murder."

Amadeus lips twitch.
"I was reading a history book but it sounded like a crappy romance story."

I laugh.
"You got scammed,brother?"

I was stupid.
Why did I talk to Amadeus like we are friends?
Or equal?

"I will read another book then. If you like we can exchange opinions."


"It's just me and my friends. We like reading and.exchanging opinions. If you want to join, just come."

Just like that. Amadeus included me in his small circle of friends.

Amadeus, this guy is very serious about life. He is always smart and capable in my opinion.
When I heard he will come home to meet his new mother, I was scared for him a bit.
Since we have a good relationship.

There is no history of good stepmothers as far as he knows.

But the confident Amadeus left with not much worries.

When Amadeus returns he looks sullen and he keeps looking from far.
Mentioning his new mother will make Amadeus look at you for two to three seconds. 

Though there are no visible changes.
There is definitely an emotional difference!

With or without malice we planned to go investigate the Duchess. I beg my family to let me go. Of Course I'm thinking too much. My father is very willing to send me off to the Duke's mansion.

Before meeting the Duchess, the necklace she gave Amadeus…..made us wonder what's really Amadeus and Duchess's relationship.
It's very eye-catching and doesn't suit Amadeus aloof character but the necklace itself is not ugly. And it's made out of precious stones. How can it be ugly?

Though the twin can't come. They promise to catch up to us. Though, thinking about their protective parents, it's impossible for them to come with us in the Duke's mansion so Paula and I have the task to watch the Duchess.

That's the plan.
But now, it's just us who can't help admiring the Duchess.
Not that she is an overwhelmingly elegant lady.
The only elegant thing about her is her clothes and accessories.
But she feels like home.

I miss my mother and my Aunt who dotes on me the most.
Why did I have to come here and watch my other son being pampered to heaven!!!!!!

And Amadeus,why are you acting like this? Isn't your character the aloof,quiet,emotionless guy that is smart, reliable and cold? You are boasting your mother likes you so much? Give back my worries!

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