Mito's gift 3

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Pacita is walking with the two guests in their family.
Mito is walking besides Amadeus following the 'three' kids.

"Duchess?" Paula paused and looks at Pacita.

Pacita points at the stall with lots of cute plush animals.

"You like it Duchess? Ill get one for you." Arben pats his chest. "Im very confident in my marksmanship."

"Ohh." Pacita claps her hand
"So admirable." She rubs Arben's head.
"Then get me the cutest."

Arben smiles shyly.

Arben pays the stall owner but Amadeus is the one who picked up the bow.

"Your highness?" Arben looks at him.


Five arrow bolt fly.
Hitting all their targets.

"How many should I hit to get the biggest one?" Amadeus asks the trembling stall owner.

Pacita sees the man trembling. She knows the old man. He is a bit sly. The biggest doll in his stall has never been taken down since forever. But it looks new because he always take a good care of it.

"Deus,dont take the biggest. Mom wants the cutest."

Amadeus looks at the lion doll. The nose is a bit crook and its no way the cutest here.
"The bunny is cuter."

"The lion is the cutest." Pacita grins and pinched his cheek.
"You look like a lion cub."

Amadeus snorts.
"If its me then it should be flawless."

"Its funny cause its not." Pacita laughs.

"Fine. How many should I hit to get the lion cub toy?" Amadeus asks.

" lord..." the stall owner wants to give it already. "One more. One more and youll get it." The stall owner said.

Amadeus then throw a silver coin. "Give me another arrow."

The stall owner hurriedly give him.

Mito smiles and took the arrow and another bow. Shoot the target so hard the arrow without blunt end actually pierced the target.

Not only the stall owner. Everyone watching except Amadeus trembles.

Mito smiles.
"Does it mean we win the prize?"

The stall owner nods like a hen pecking on the ground.

Pacita giggles and take the crooked lion cub.
"My husband win the prize for me. Im happy."

Amadeus looks at his father.
"I shoot five targets "

"It was you who are great then." Mito smiles and ectends his hand to touch his head.

The two feel stunned for a moment and unable to react.
Pacita turns around and look at the two awkward people.
Pacita rubs their head at the same time.
"You two worked hard. Thanks." She grins  seeing the two bird nest like heads.
She runs away before Mito and Amadeus can get mad. Pacita holds Paula and Arben's hand and lead them to the wine tasting event.
Its across the place where the play for the former duchess is happening.

Amadeus smiles and try fixing his hair with his fingers.
" married nicely this time, father."

"She might be faking everything..." Mito said and stares at Amadeus.

Amadeus nods.
"Then let her fake it her whole life. You can make that happen, right?"

Mito stares at the leaving Pacita.
"Yes." He said confidently.

Amadeus is assured.



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