chapter 3

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3rd Pov:Tony is coming back to the tower silent thinking on what Spider-man said to him along with the other Avengers

Tony:That went great

Clint:So much for the great Stark charm

Tony:Shut it now we have a bigger problem

Natasha:Spider-man doesn't want to join us

Tony:Also that he's a genius to

Sam:What do you mean

Tony:Spidey has an AI, but not only that an AI I couldn't detect

Bruce:That also means that his suit not only spandex I'm guessing

Steve:This brings a bigger problem doesn't it

Sam:Now we need to figure out which of his power's are real or that suit

Steve:What do you mean

Clint:No Sam is right the super strength that is all Spider-man but him running up walls and swinging on a web is that because of the suit or him

Tony:I don't know, so who is going to talk to him tomorrow

Steve:I'll go this time

Tony:If you need me I'll be in my lab

Clint:I'm going to give the update to Fury

Pepper:Where Tony he forgot about our date again

Natasha:He's back in his lab


Natasha:What do you even see in him

Pepper:At this point I don't even remember


Jarvis:Steve it's best if you go to xxx xxxxx xxx there is a report of a robbery

Steve:Thank you Jarvis*leaving*

Sam:Do you think he has a better chance

Clint:More likely

Timeskip to alleyway

Captain America:Okay I'm here I see him on the roof

Clint:How are you going to get up there

Captain America:I'll just call him I'm here to talk not fight so there is not need for me to be sneaking right


Captain America:Spider-man

Spider-man:Captain you screamed for me

Captain America:I just wanted to talk

Spider-man:Is this about yesterday

Captain America:yes let's talk on the roof

Spider-man:Need a lift

Captain America:Please

Spider-man:Hold on tight

Captain America:How do you do that

Spider-man:Because I can now what do you want to talk about

Captain America:Look my boss wants information about you and that's it


Captain America:In case someone forces you to become a threat

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