chapter 6

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Natasha:Sorry if I woke you

Pepper:What time is it

Natasha:Six a.m

Pepper:Well good morning

Natasha:Morning and good luck with Tony

Pepper:Don't remind me


Peter:*Sigh*Never expected to give my identity to the Avengers


(C)Peter:Hello this is Peter speaking

(C)Steve:Hey Peter this is cap

(C)Peter:Cap you okay

(C)Steve:Please call me Steve I was wondering if you would like to join us for breakfast

(C)Peter:As tempting as free foods sounds I don't think we know each other long for stuff like that

(C)Steve:*Sigh*Look ever since you told us about Hydra, with them trying to recreate the super soldiers serum I couldn't sleep right I kept thinking what would happen if they succeed

(C)Peter:I know how you feel sometimes I think what would happen if the bad guys win

(C)Steve:Hey I know this sounds selfish but would you be okay to spar with me

(C)Peter:Sure but why

(C)Steve:Because if they did succeed I want to know that I could have stop them

(C)Peter:Okay let's do it but one thing


(C)Peter:I would still like that breakfast


(C)Peter:Be right there

Timeskip to Avengers tower

Pepper:*Yawn*It's to early for meetings and Tony never is awake before twelve p.m

Steve:How about you join us for breakfast

Peter:Turns out Steve is a great cook

Pepper:I would love some, wait Peter morning what are you doing here

Peter:Morning me and Steve are going to spar

Pepper:Can I watch

Peter:Sure it's okay for her to watch right

Steve:Of course*Hands her a plate of pancakes

Pepper:Thanks hey Peter don't you have super metabolism like Steve


Steve:You should be eating a lot more

Peter:I don't want to take more then I should plus I brought my calorie bars that help with my metabolism

Steve:Next time it's okay to ask for more besides I know how those bars taste terrible

Peter:All it takes is food flavoring you know the stuff they put in stuff like candy to make it taste better who's been making your bars

Steve:Tony he said with how much calories it has stuff like flavoring doesn't work

Pepper:Of course

Peter:Next time I visit I'll bring some for you

Steve:Thank you now you ready for the spar

Peter:Let's go

Pepper:Right behind you



Steve:Here we are

Sam:Wow and I was starting to think the worse when you didn't show for a morning run

Steve:That's because I was waiting for them to be done with breakfast


Pepper:Good morning

Sam:Peter good to see you again and Pepper why are you here

Pepper:Steve and Peter are going to spar and I want to watch

Sam:I call next

Peter:Let's get going, quick question is where is the locker room

Steve:Over there in the back you'll see two doors

Peter:Be back in a bit

Pepper:So how are you going to spar hand to hand or with equipment

Steve:Hand to hand first one to get a solid hit in

Clint:What's going on

Sam:Peter and Steve going to spar


Peter:Yep come on ready when you are

3rd Pov:Peter currently bouncing on the heels of his feet his hands blocking his face trying to imitate a boxer

Steve:Clint count us off

3rd Pov:Steve now going in to a fighting stance trying to figure Peter out

Clint:On go ready, 3....2....1 Go

3rd Pov:No body move Peter and Steve waiting to see who moves first two minutes go by Peter tried of waiting tried taunting Steve to move first

Peter:Really Steve come on now you wanted to see what I'm made of come on now don't tell me that my handsome face has put you in a trance


3rd Pov:Steve taking the first move in the fight aiming hit a clean right hook on the chin but Peter did something nobody expected before Steve even got to extend his fist Peter move out the way stepping in to do a uppercut Steve little surprised backed away before it reached him

Steve:How did you do that, you dodged before I even finished

Peter:Come on Steve I told you all yesterday it's my spidy sense now my turn

3rd Pov:Peter in a burst of speed launched at Steve throwing a right hook in a effort to counter Peter, Steve ducked and dived in trying to get a grapple on him only for Peter to do a seemingly impossible strong kick to Steve chin

Sam:Oooo I don't know to feel bad for Steve or Peter's guy parts

Natasha:That enhance flexibility is no joke

Pepper:I wonder who would win in a fight Tony or Peter


This part has nothing to do with the story I just want to say sorry for taking so long to post my storys a lot of stuff came up nothing serious and two this is my first fight scene I don't know how to do a fight scene so I just winged it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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