chapter 4

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Peter:So who has questions

Natasha:What can you do

Peter:Super strength,Hyper agility,Heal factor,Night vision, enhance sight and hearing,Wall crawling,and my spidey sense

Maria Hill:By wall crawling you mean you running up walls and roofs

Peter:Yes it's more like I'm sticky when I want to but I can also use it on people

Tony:Okay what the hell is Spidey sense

Peter:Spidey sense is like a 6th sense that tells me where danger is

Sam:So if someone is attacking you from behind you can tell that there going to hit you

Peter:Something like that

Tony:Okay damn you have to have a weakness right

Peter:Well yes but I'm not proud of it

Clint:What are you allergic to bug spray

Peter:Funny no it's more embarrassing than anything else

Nick Fury:We need to know incase of something

Peter:Fine just don't laugh ok my weakness is girls


Peter:Yes since I'm like 50% spider I also have some traits fun fact the female spider is the dominant of the kind

Clint:So if someone like Natasha tells you to attack someone you'll do it no questions ask

Peter:No it just makes it harder to deny them but if I'm closer to them then it gets way more harder to deny them

Clint:You told us your power's but didn't say about the webs they don't come out of you

Peter:One gross two no I made them chemical engineered not organic

Bruce:You said your 50% spider how did that happen

Peter:Okay so I took a trip to Oscorp stumbled upon a place I shouldn't have gone and when I did I found a place filled with radioactive spiders one bit me and boom Spider-man

Maria Hill:Why was Oscorp making radioactive spiders

Peter:They wanted to recreate the super soldier serum


Peter:Don't worry I destroyed everything when I found out they were working with Hydra

Nick Fury:Did they ever recreate it

Peter:Yes they did but failed or some what failed

Nick Fury:Do you know what happen

Peter:Do you know the Green Goblin he is the result

Maria Hill:How did you keep your identity hidden for so long

Peter:Kept changing the way I talk I could have been British or not,and I'm multilingual and other things

Sam:You told me you have a stealth suit anything else

Peter:Yep a whole lot more some because I needed them and others because I was bored

Nick Fury:Any other skills like how your multilingual

Peter:Let's see I can cook, engineer, scientist

Pepper:He can also dance

Tony:I'm sorry how do you know

Pepper:Me and Peter may have slow danced

Tony:What Peter are you trying to take my girl

Peter:One no two Pepper your dating Tony


Peter:Yes with your track record I'm more surprised that she agreed to date you

Clint:Me and you both

Bruce:When did you two dance

Pepper:At a charity fundraiser but we first meet at a sponsored ship deal

Tony:Doesn't that mean you have to be a big deal

Peter:Well I am the head Parker industry

Tony:Excuse me you are in the top 20 why don't we partner up

Peter:I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Pepper it's because of your history of the company

Tony:What do you mean

Peter:You have a record of making weapons

Tony:I stopped

Peter:The Iron man suit is still a weapon

Tony:What about your spidey suit

Peter:Anyone can wear me suit and it's an a amazing costume anyone else wearing your suit and boom they have a weapon even if they don't have power for the damn thing they can just power the arms with something to fire them

Steve:Are you in a relationship

Peter:Steve I'm flattered but one we just met and two I don't swing that way

Clint:Is this your way of coming out

Sam:Just to let you know we support you

Steve:That's not what I meant I mean do you have anyone that knows your Spider-man

Peter:No you guy's are the first

Pepper:You said that you have traits like a spider what else do you

Peter:I got bit by a wolf spider so if someone pet me I purr


Pepper:Can I pet you


Natasha:*Already petting Peter*You have soft hair

Pepper:Hey I wanted to pet him

Natasha:I got bored and I'm right next to him


Clint:Holy shit he is purring

Steve:He's even more affectionate

Bruce:Yah look he is getting comfortable on Natasha lap like a cat

Natasha:As much as I like petting you can you get off

Peter:*Embarrassed*Sorry this is technically the first time someone pet me for this long

Pepper:My turn

Peter:Sorry Pepper but I need to go it's late

Pepper:Next time then

Peter:Fine so you got everything you need Fury

Nick Fury:Yes I got everything nice meeting you I'm off to put everything

Peter:One more thing can I put my own fire wall

Nick Fury:Sure now have a good night

Maria Hill:Good bye

Peter:Well I'm off

Tony:You are welcome to come by anytime

Peter:Thanks see yah

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