Funny Joke #76

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Its great to see that I'm making many people happy. Some are rolling on the floor, some are laughing like a mad man. So right now, I am back to keep you all entertained:)). Rmb to show some support and vote vote VOTE!

1)A little boy was in the bath with his mom. The boy said, "What's that hairy thing, mommy?" She replied, "That is my sponge." "Oh yes," said the boy, "The babysitter has got one too. I've seen her washing dad's face with it."

- this joke was seen as very offensive so it was deleted by me- (author)

- joke has been deleted as it was seen as racist and offensive- (author)

4) Blonde: "What does IDK stand for?"
Brunette: "I don't know."
Blonde: "OMG, nobody does!".

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