Funny Joke #20

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An alien from Mars landed on Earth and decided to go to school to learn English. 

One day, the teacher asked the class, '' Class, who knows the answer for 10 - 5 + 2 ? ''

'' Me! Me! Me! '' The class shouted.

The alien wrote down Me! Me! Me! in his notebook.

When lunch break came, the alien saw a cleaner cleaning the utensils and singing, ''Fork, knifes and spoons! Fork, knifes and spoons! ''

The alien wrote down Fork, knifes and spoons! Fork, knifes and spoons! in his notebook.

During Science lesson, the teacher said, '' Class, we are going to the playground to find some insects! ''

''Yay!!'' The class cheered.

The alien wrote down Yay! in his notebook.

On his way to the spacecraft, the alien spotted a crowd and decided to check it out. There was a dead lady and a policeman in the middle of the crowd. The policeman asked, '' Who killed this lady? ''

The alien said, ''Me! Me! Me!''

The policeman questioned him, '' What did you kill her with?'' 

The alien said, '' Fork, knifes and spoons! Fork, knifes and spoons!''

The policeman told the alien, '' I'm bringing you to jail!''

The alien cheered,'' Yay!''

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