Chapter 4: Know Who You Are

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"ITTTTSSSSS Saturday! Boy, oh boy, do I love Saturdays. We get so much stuff done on these days," dad said as he walked into the dining room that mom and I sat at quietly eating breakfast.

Mom nodded as she scrolled on her phone, not looking up at him. "Yes, Saturdays are nice," mom said with less enthusiasm than dad. But then again, she often had less than him. I don't think I've met someone with as much energy and positivity as my dad. Dad was the dreamer, but mom was the realist. I think that was one reason they balanced each other out.

"Nojo! It's your day off. What are your plans?"

I shrugged as I took a sip of tea then stretched my aching legs. "Don't know. Maybe have a lazy day?" I stated as I thought about how I spent all week long with dad, running countless errands. As useful as I felt helping him, I was now tired and needed a break. 

"You can always go out for yoga with me," mom stated as she put her phone down, giving me full attention. Mom loved yoga like I love boba tea and was always looking for a partner to join her.

"When do you plan on going?"

"In five minutes."

I held back a sigh as I thought about how tired my legs were. But after spending so much time with dad, I thought she needed some quality time too. It had been a while since I joined her for yoga. "Sure, I'll go. Let me change really quick," I said then walked out of the dining room.

Before I knew it, I was in the car driving to yoga with mom. Moments passed in silence as I hummed the radio tune and looked out the window. Mom was always quieter than dad was. She was ok with silence, whereas dad hated it.

"So tell me all about your week and working with dad," mom said finally.

I smiled as I thought about all the projects he asked me to do. He was good at keeping me busy as I ran errands and hassled players for signed forms. Dad was just as busy which made me wonder what he would do without me. I was sure he would be much busier. "Dad is just as cheerful on the field as he is at home."

She smiled as she pushed her sunglasses up her nose. "I thought he would be."

"Have you ever seen him coach?"

"Nah, he never asked me before. I mean, I have dropped by, but never have I stayed for a whole training."

"It's pretty magical," I stated. 

Just this week, I watched him heal a broken relationship of some players, stop a fight that looked extreme, and bond with the maintenance crew. He also brokered a deal between the grass cutting person and Tad so Tad would have the chance to set the practice material up before they arrived. 

I already had an idea that Dad knew people. But seeing him in action, I realized he knew how to deal with people flawlessly. He solved problems so naturally. It was cool to see it in practice.

"I can only imagine."

"You should drop by one time, spend a few hours, see for yourself."

"Maybe I should."

"He would like that.

She chuckled. "He likes a lot of things."

I chuckled with her, knowing how easily pleased he was with almost everything. Growing up, I only saw him mad a very few times, and it was never very extreme. I honestly, couldn't remember the last time he was mad about anything.

"But maybe you have a point. I'll have to make time for it. Are you planning to go in with dad every day next week?"

One thing that I had quickly realized was that he did need the help. As tiring as it was, I should be there for him and provide as much help as I could manage. So as long as he went to the training, I would go with him. "Planning on it."

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