Chapter 14: The Coach's Daughter

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Look out for the <>!

My blaring alarm jolted me awake. It didn't take me long to jump out of bed with a smile on my face, knowing today was the first day of classes. 

Excitement buzzed through my veins as I scooped up the outfit, I picked the night before and changed. Today marked my second year of college. What hoped I was prepared for was the idea of learning more complicated subjects I didn't learn the year before. 

With a spring in my step, I made my way down the stairs to see dad drinking his standard black cup of coffee.

I didn't even have to clear my throat for him to switch his attention to me. Quickly, he put down his coffee on the kitchen island and smiled. "Nojo are you ready for the start of classes!"

I nodded as a grin appeared on my face, thinking of my full schedule. With 15 credits, I would be busy, but I was sure I would still have room for my internship with dad. Just because school was starting didn't mean I would leave dad high and dry, even though he did offer a break so I could focus on school. But my mission wasn't over, and I wanted to see this out until the end. 

I needed to build teamwork especially when dad was receiving pressure on reaching the schools goals. I wished I could do more to help, but I didn't know what else to do. 

"I am so excited for the start of the semester. It's going to be a good year."

He fist bumped the air. "You better believe it! My gosh, that attitude can conquer anything! Like a person hiking Everest."

"Learned from the best," I stated as I finger gunned him.

He beamed as he leaned across the island to close the gap between us. "So, you are going to weight training after classes today?"

"I might be a tad bit late, but I'll be there," I said as I thought back to my schedule. With my last class across campus, meaning I would have to take the bus to get to the weight room.

"Fine with me! I can't wait to work with you during the semester." 

I couldn't agree more. There was something addicting to being the intern. I couldn't give it up. 

"Great, well, went to leave and get a start on this day?"

I nodded as I took a banana from a stand then the sack lunch, I packed the night before. "Let's get the show on the road."

As we rode in the car, I couldn't help but think about my goals in helping the team. I already knew I had to get Everett to improve and for the team to trust him again. But this task seemed nearly impossible when Everett had not talked to me since we walked a few days ago. 

"So did you plan a team building game for this week?"

Dad shook his head. "Nope, can't do it this week. We are reviewing new plays for the game next week."

"Next- next week?" I sputtered in shock. I thought I had more time before the start of the season. My heart raced as my hands became clammy at the thought of running out of time.

He laughed as he stroked his mustache. "Yeah, when did you think we would start? We can't just dance around the field for show, can we?" He winked. "People are ready for the real thing. That's what the Ohioans live for here. Didn't you remember me talking about this yesterday?"

I shook my head as I tried to recall.

"I swear, anything football related goes in one ear and out the other. It's like the game of telephone we used to play when you guys were kids."

And suddenly I got an idea for the next team building game. It was easy and simple. "Have you ever thought about playing telephone with the team?"

He rose his eyebrows as he turned down the road. "No, but I think you're on to something."

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