Chapter 34: Death to the Team

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With a yawn I walked into the sleepy stadium. With the freezing rain we had throughout the night, It killed most tailgaters dream except for a few Die Hards. 

After Dale left the stadium the previous night, I didn't see Everett. I thought about what Dale said to me; however, I decided that what I wanted to say was better left said in person. His words swarmed my mind like mosquitos on a late summer day. I could barely focus on the words dad said as he told me about the day and the line up. 

"Listen, Nora, I know you are mad at me," dad said with a sigh as I sat in his office. 

The mention of his name caused me to snap out of my thoughts. Suddenly my eyes were trained on him, waiting for his next move. 

"I'm sorry if I disappointed you."

"It's a little more than disappointment and it's more than just me," I said as I gave a humorless chuckle. I felt my phone buzz and saw that it was Everett telling me he was already here.

"Nora, if you knew the position I was in, you would understand." 

"I really don't think I would," I said as I stood up from my chair and slipped on my hat to shield me from the cold. "I'm going out. I'll talk to Paul about the tasks I need to do." With that, I left his office to track down Everett. 

I walked down halls until I found him resting his back against the wall. His normally cool look was replaced with worry. He was stressing about today. This was the first game that Charles would join and it was getting under his skin. 

"Hey," I waved as I walked up to him.

Instantly his worry expression vanished as he pushed himself off from the wall and smiled. "Hey." He pressed his lips against mine in a rushed greeting. 

"You are early." 

"I wanted to beat the crowd."

"Makes sense." 

He wrapped his fingers around my small hands as he let out a sigh. "Today is the day." 

Not only was today the day Charles would be in the game, but it was also the day of the interview. I was sure there were so many things going on in his mind. "Are you ready for it?"

His face scrunched up as if he ate a lemon. "I'll have to be."  

I nodded, not sure what else to say to him.

"So how was the afternoon with my old man?" 

A smile came to my face as I thought about Dale. "You know I love that man. He was just fine." 

"You are too kind with him." 

I shrugged. "It's not hard when he is kind back." I sighed as I looked around the empty hall to make sure we still had the privacy. "You're father told me about Charles and you dating," I said to Everett.

The sentence caused him to take a step back from me and glare at the ground. "I wouldn't call it that. But it is frustrating that is what he told everyone around me."

"Then what was it? Everett, I feel like there is more to this story that I don't understand. I think it should be hammered out before the interview today." 

He kicked his shoe against the brick wall beside him and sighed. Silently, he looked around us to make sure the coast was clear before giving a small cough. "Yes, I did go on a date or two with him. It was for only a few weeks, and I realized that he was not a good person. I tried breaking off from him but that was when the abuse happened, after I called it quits."

I nodded as his words sank in. 

"I had never went on a date with a man before. I didn't even think I liked men until Charles welcomed me to the team. There was something about Charles that drew me in. I thought maybe I could at least try."

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