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Roughly based off of/inspired by that one scene from She-ra when Catra is trying to leave and asks "What do YOU want, Adora?"

[Third Person POV]
"I can't join you guys. I don't have a soul." As the words registered in his brain, Dave just stood there.. Jack attempted to make a smile appear on his face in order to comfort Dave. "..." For the first time in what felt like a million lifetimes, Dave was speechless. He attempted to say something, but all he could do was keep his mouth open as if he were to say anything at any moment. He closed it again, knowing nothing to say. What was he supposed to say? 'Oh too bad'? Or 'please, no'? It's not like that would do anything, hell it'd probably make the mood even more grim if he begged. So, he'd done something he hadn't done in awhile. He kept his mouth shut and actually thought before speaking.

"A-are you okay?" Jack finally gathered enough courage to ask. He felt like the air around him, or lack thereof, was suffocatingly thick. Dave was...silent. But not in a 'he's planning something' way, instead a...serious way. Jack's thoughts raced as to what the other man was thinking. Was he mad? Was he mad at him? Was he mad at himself? No, his face looks more...- before he could discern the emotion, it decided to show itself clearer. Tears weld up in Dave's eyes, but didn't leave, giving Dave glossy eyes from the water coating them.

Jack walked towards him and...had no idea what to do. It's not like he could lie and say that he'll always stay by Dave's side, because he can't. He couldn't hug him and tell him it'd be okay. It won't be okay. It will never be okay, will it? Dave wiped his eyes and just looked back at Jack. "..." He took a short breath and came closer to Jack. "This...isn't what you wanted, is it?" Jack's eyes widened at the statement. "W-what?" Dave stiffened and maintained eye contact. This is one of the few times he wants a clear answer. "This isn't what you wanted. Is it?" He said it a bit louder, unnerving the man in front of him. "Of course...this is what I w-want..." Dave furrowed his brows and walked even closer to Jack.

"No, it's not." Dave firmly said, a tone in which he rarely liked to use. It reminded him too much of Henry. "Why wouldn't it be? E-everyone's happy, everyone can move on." Jack looked to the side, avoiding eye contact. "Say that again. And look me in the eyes." Dave now sounded like a stern father that found out his child did something wrong. Jack looked back at Dave with an emotion Dave knew too well. Fear. "Th-this is what I want..." He looked away immediately after. Dave closed the one-foot space between them and hugged Jack. "No. It isn't." Dave took a more calmed approach this time. He couldn't stand yelling at anyone, especially Jack. "B-but everyone's happy..." Jack looked down at the floor, or where it should be. He put his hands weakly on Dave's back.

"What about you?" Dave finally asked. "Will you be happy too?" Dave pulled away to look at Jack. "...does it matter what happens to me? I-" He was soon cut off. "Of course it have feelings and wants too..." Jack stared at Dave as if it would help him come up with a response. But...nothing. Dave sighed and looked sympathetically at Jack. "What do you want, Jack?" It was Jack's turn to feel sorrow. He closed his eyes and breathed in. He put a hand on Dave's cheek and carefully said, "you."

Dave felt his face heat up. He stared intently at Jack. "...why me?" Out of everything in the world he could've wanted...he said him? Jack shook his head, even he couldn't answer that question. "I'm still trying to figure out why myself." He smiled with complete fondness for Dave. Dave closed his eyes slowly and went for a kiss to which Jack accepted. They embraced each other as if the world was ending around them. When they finally parted, they took a few moments to truly take in the beauty of each other.

"What do we do now?" Jack finally remembered where they were and why they were there. "Could you ask Fredbear to give you your soul back?" Dave kind of felt stupid after saying that because it seemed obvious. "...I could try." They heard a new, but familiar voice. "DID SOMEONE CALL OUT MY NAME?" They turned to see him in all his golden springlock glory, Fredbear. "Hey, Fredbear." Fredbear looked at Jack. "AH, YOU FINALLY KILLED HENRY. THANK YOU FOR COMPLETING YOUR PROMISE. BUT, PRAY TELL, WHY I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED?" Dave stepped forward. "Since he's completed his promise and saved there any chance you could...give him his soul back?" Fredbear turned his attention to Dave. "...LISTEN, WILLIAM. GIVING HIS SOUL BACK WAS NOT APART OF THE DEAL. BUT, I FEEL IT IS ONLY MORALLY RIGHT TO GIVE IT BACK TO HIM. IT IS A GOOD THING YOU HAVE REMINDED ME TO DO SO, I WOULD HAVE COME BACK TO DEAL WITH HENRY." Dave felt himself mentally relax. Finally, all of this is done.

《 Fast forward cuz idk how to give someone's soul back :P》

Jack and Dave stood in front of each other, with both of their hands intertwined. "Are you ready, Sportsy?" Jack smiled at the nickname given to him. "As ready as I'll ever be, Davey." Jack leaned in and kissed Dave again. It was a short, but sweet, kiss. They walked forward, hand in hand. "I love you, Jack." Jack smiled and looked back at Dave. "I love you too, Will."

Okay, listen, this came out wayyyyy fluffier than I imagined, but who doesn't like a sweet treat and the end. Also, totally didn't make this to cope because I physically cannot accept the DSAF 3 good ending, why would I do that? Pfft. Anyway, idk, just enjoy or smthin idk man. Also I don't know why Fredbear wouldn't have told Jack he could have his soul back, just shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, there isn't any plot holes lmao. And, bye!

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