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after me and Armondo finished being all lovey dovey with each other

i went upstairs to start getting packed as i was doing so

emillio came into my room with Babygirl and his brothers "mom how long are we staying down there, like do i need to pack a weeks' worth of clothes or like a days' worth"

emillio asks me while feeding aurora

"umm" i haven't really thought about how long i wanted to stay so i didnt know how to respond

"i guess just pack a months' worth just incase" i say and they look at me with wide eyes

dont get them wrong they love their grandparents but they can be a lot sometimes and it to them its babying and since they are and i quote "grown men" its a little weird to them

"don't worry we wont stay for that long i promise" i say laughing and they let out a sigh of relief

"alright everyone out" armodno says coming in

"dont run my children out armondo they can stay" i say glaring at him

"yea dad" alex says sticking his tounge out at his dad

oh shit

"ALRIGHT stop boys sit somewhere if he starts beating yalls asses thats on yall im not helping" I say continuing to pack

"They're still my children love , I wouldn't beat them" armondo says with a smirk

I roll my eye because he knows damn well he would

He acts like an older brother to his children it's cute but it's like 5 boys at once and that's a lot

"Aw I love you to dad" felix says smiling

Making armondo smile

"Sometimes I feel like y'all forget he's your dad" I say laughing

" I can't believe he's my dad to be honest"
Emillio says laughing

"Why is that so hard to believe"
Armondo says getting all serious

"I mean mr cold mafia man has a wife and 5 kids that's just hard to believe" Felix says making me laugh

"I'm not as bad as I seem" armondo says kissing me hard

"6 months dad remember" Felix says as we break the kiss

"I'm going to kill him" armondo says making me laugh

"Don't threaten my babies" I say kissing his lips

"They're mine to" he says back I swear we argue like toddlers

"They came out of me" I say pushing him back

"And I came in you so why don't we call it even" Armando says making me look at him with wide eyes

"Wow guys pg-13 in here please minors are present" Felix says making me laugh

"The only true minor is babygirl and she doesn't understand what we are saying so" I say laughing

"When are y'all going to get into a relationship" armondo says attitude lacing his voice

"Not sure whenever I feel like it" emillio says

"Emillio let's be honest you don't pull bitches that's why you have no relationship" Alex says and I already know this is going to lead to a fight

Armondo sits back on the bed and watched the scene play out

"I'm not easy like Felix so I don't say yes to ever girl who comes up to me and asks to sleep with me so I'm waiting for someone who likes me for more than my dick and my money" emillio says standing up with babygirl and handing her to armondo

Armondo takes her and lays her on his chest

I was cut out of my thoughts when I saw Alex being pinned to the wall by emillio

"Emillio put your brother down" I say looking at him , he waits a couple of seconds and then drops him

Wow this trip is going to something else


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(628 words)

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