Bonus chapter |||

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its been a week since the incident and so far he hasn't done it again but he also hasnt been at work because hes sick and refuses to take medicine or go to the doctors

everytime i ask him to take medicine he says he cant because it tastes bad and he'll throw up and he doesnt want to go to the doctors because he said he doesnt want someone other than me touching him so yea hes being a big baby about everything.

"baby" he says sounding congested.

"yes" i ask rubbing his back

"i cant breath" he say and so i go get the vicks vapor rub and i rub it all over his chest and under his red nose

"im oily and hot now" he says but he was just complaining about how cold he was so i had gotten him a shirt to put on and now i have to undress him again

he laid there with his head on my lap until he drifted to sleep just to wake up 30 minutes later asking for water

while i was down getting him water i also grabbed some benadryle even though its childrens medicine best belieive it works on adults to

"here take this and then drink your water" i say handing him the medicine cup full of purple liquid

"no thank you baby can i have my water" he says taking the medicine and sitting it on the dresser

"not until you take the medicine, ill sit on the couch until you take it and after you take it we can cuddle and you can have your water" i say making myself comfortable on the couch next to our window

he stays on the bed and starts pouting he takes the medicine off the dresser and takes it like a shot

"thank you baby" i say handing him his water and getting back in bed he wraps his arms around me and we cuddle and watch Netflix



can you give me some ideas for this book cause i cannot think of anything else to write about so what would yall like to see in this book

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