Going home

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I was awoken by yelling

Lots of it

I'm guessing armondos brother is here

I wake him up and we take a shower together

It involved a lot of hitting armondos hand away from me but we finally got done

We dried off and put clothes on

I walked to emillios room to see if he was still sleep and to my suprise he was armondo went and grabbed aurora and we went downstairs

We walked down to the kitchen and saw all my kids except emillio and I saw all my nephews And lorenzo and his wife ava

When we walked in all eyes went to aurora

Ava was the first to come up and hug me

"Damnit armondo I can't ever have just one victory" lorenzo says and armondo laugh but I look at him confused

"We have to have more children love" lorenzo says to Ava who is now holding aurora and looking at him shocked

"I'm not having more children lorenzo" she says laughing

"What the fuck is up with you and wanting more kids" Ava says rolling her eyes

"Honestly though" I say and we start laughing While armondo and lorenzo are

"Suck it up we aren't having anymore" Ava says handing aurora back to me and we take her to the living room where all the boys are

And I see emillio there , he must have came in when we were talking

"Can I have her" emillio asks and I give her to him

"I want to hold her" Matteo says and emillio glares at him

"Yea, no" emillio says going on his phone

"Aunt val can I hold her" Preston asks me

"Yea" I say and Preston smirks at emillio

"I fucking hate you" emillio says as Preston takes aurora

"Yea I know , and I'm ok with that" Preston says rubbing auroras hair

"Be nice emillio" I say and emillio rolls his


"Emillio I will leave you on babysitting duty if you roll your eyes again" i says and he nods and laughs

We all sit around and talk while everyone gets a turn hold aurora

Since today was the last day here after everyone visited then left we all went to pack everything back up so we could leave around 11 tonight

It was around 10:30 now and we were saying goodbye to our parents and we all got into the car and started driving

"Omg I'm so tired" Felix says hitting his head on the window for some reason

"Felix break my fucking window and I'll break your skull" armondo says and I laugh a little

"Yea yea" Felix says and continues to do it

"Go to sleep Felix I'll wake you up when we get there" I say and he stops and finally goes to sleep

We reach the jet and I shake Felix awake and armondo goes to get aurora

I wake emillio up last and he goes to get aurora but when he doesn't see her in her car seat he looks around and sees armondo holding her

We board the jet and everyone goes to sleep except me

"Love go to sleep" armondo says rubbing my thigh

I lay down and finally drift off to sleep

I don't like this chapter but anyways❤️

Thank you for reading this chapter I appreciate it a lot<3-Lena

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