91 - 100

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91. The cells in your body respond to whatever your mind says. Negativity weakens the immune system.

92. Colors like red, orange and yellow make you hungry.

93. Being able to answer a stupid question with sarcasm is a sign of a healthy brain.

94. Your brain releases certain chemicals when there are trees or plants around you, which energizes it.

95. The way parents speak to their children becomes the child's inner voice.

96. People with a generally high level of anxiety are more likely to remember images of threatening faces than people who are calmer. - Bradley et al., 1998

97. You cannot properly multi-task. Multitasking can seem like a super-productive way of working, but findings published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences show that we can only participate in one event at a time.

98. It takes 4 seconds for the silence to become awkward.

99. Never use your favorite song as an alarm clock. You'll hate him eventually.

100. It takes five positive things to balance one negative thing. Our brains have what we call "negative bias," which makes us remember bad news more than good news.

Human Psychology Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang