1801 - 1810

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1801. The brains of introverts and extroverts are measurably different.

1802. MRIs reveal that the dopamine reward network is more active in the brains of extroverts while introverts’ brains have more gray matter.

1803. According to research done at Cambridge University, the order of letters in a word doesn’t matter much to your brain.

1804. As long as the first and last letters are in the right spot, your brain can rearrange the letters to form words as fast as you can read.

1805. The human brain is usually compared to the most advanced technology of the day.

1806. It’s been compared to a clock, a switchboard, a computer, and, most recently, to the internet.

1807. You might be surprised to learn that, in every way it’s been tested, the brain is still far superior to the most powerful computers in existence.

1808. Your brain’s storage capacity is considered virtually unlimited.

1809. It doesn’t get “used up” like RAM in your computer.

1810. The latest research shows that the brain’s memory capacity is a quadrillion, or 1015, bytes.

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