571 - 580

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571. We would like to break more laws if one law is too strict.

572. Our minds are working on making boring speeches more exciting.

573. You're conditioned to enjoy the songs you've most listened to in high school.
Memories are more like pieced images than precise snapshots.

574. When you feel like you're low on something like money, you're obsessive about it.

575. Your brain is doing more imaginative work when you're sleepy.

576. It is also found that staying optimistic about the future can powerfully shield people from physical and mental illness.

577. The most perfect expression of human behavior is a string quartet.

-Jeffrey Tate

578. Fortunately, most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling from others.

-Albert Bandura

579. Human behavior is an enormously complex set of things, and that mixture of underlying things is different for different people, so it's not just complex, it's meta-complex.

-Vivienne Ming

580. That human behavior is more influenced by things outside of us than inside. The 'situation' is the external environment. The inner environment is genes, moral history, religious training.

-Philip Zimbardo

Human Psychology Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora