Chapter 73 - Nadia's Social Debut Pt. 1

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"Blue." Stated Freesia and raised what she was holding.

"I disagree, it should be black!" Lily interjected.

"Guys," Mari called out and looked at them with a serious expression-- "Vibrant colors suit milady more. Gold! Gold is classy!"

The air got tense as the three of them started throwing out suggestions at the same time. It was a whirlwind of nonsense.

'They are just basically throwing out the colors of their hair.'

So you might be all wondering what the hell is happening right now. Let us go back from the very start, shall we?

It was the day before the grand celebration.. Countess Miller had given me this day to rest. Meaning, I could laze all I want without worrying about dance lessons. So I spent my time in the garden, drinking tea, and enjoying the view. At the same time, I was also listening to my maid's reports about the rumors in the capital regarding my name.

The whole nobility was in a buzz for the event tomorrow. People are apparently calling it the birthday of the year or something like that. It was cringe, okay.

Anyways, all the preparations are set. The whole mansion got even tighter in their schedule than before. Even though they are literally done with everything. George was triple checking all the jazz, like the competent butler that he is.

The great hall is already decorated with fancy stuff that I only see in movies with old settings. I had peeked earlier while the servants were going to and fro. It sparked my curiosity because it was, after all, my birthday. And oh dang, my eyes almost watered from the sight.

Seeing that all the hard work was paying off and everything was slowly being put together, it finally dawned on me. I'm going to be 16 tomorrow! It's finally going to happen!

One month of absolute craziness leads us up to this day.

I felt the excitement thrum in my blood. I was seriously looking forward to tomorrow.

"Milady, Miss Adele is here," Mari announced which definitely hooked my attention.

'Oh! My dress! My dress is finally here!'

I am actually curious as to how she and her team did it. What would the finished piece look like? With spring on my steps, both I and my attendants made our way to the west hall to meet her there. As soon as I got inside, my eyes instantly zeroed on the humongous thing in the middle of the room that was covered in a white sheet.

Oooh, shrouded in mystery huh. Suspenseful!

"Good Afternoon, Lady Nadia." greet Adele who was also as excited-looking as me.

"Good afternoon," I greeted back and stared at the mysteriously covered dress. "Is that it?"

Adel's eyes sparkled, "Yes! I am so excited to present it to you!"

She's practically gushing. From how animated she's being, my excitement just reached sky-high.

She then led me closer to it and let me stand there in front of the dress, giving me a clear view. Her eyes held fire in them, like an excited child who wants to proudly show their parents what they drew.

"The greatest masterpiece I have ever done!" Adele exclaimed and grasped the sheet in her hands.

'Well, if she says so...'

She then completely shrugged it off, revealing her so-called masterpiece to our eyes. I gawked at it. Not just me, but all the other people who were with us too. Erin was even gaping at it with a slack jaw.

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