Chapter 83 - How Worrisome

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So far, the plot is not proceeding as per the novel. It is kind of making me question everything right now. They met each other, yes, but it's way too different. It goes against the storyline, which is a bit worrisome.

The event had left no impact on my brother's side at all!

How would Estelle leave an impression on him, like in the book?

When Nathaniel accused her of cooperating with the thief, Estelle proved him wrong. My brother got unnerved by it, though he didn't show it to his face, it made him think of that scenario when he is alone.

Therefore, Estelle had caught his attention.

But now, my brother appeared like he doesn't care! What am I supposed to do with that? How would I remedy their situation?

I paced around the room, feeling restless. It was deep in the night, everyone was already fast asleep aside from the night guards, but I couldn't.. Normally, I would be in my dreamland at this late hour.

Ever since that event from yesterday, it just filled my damn mind and didn't let me sleep.

"If the future has changed, then the story won't happen?" I whispered in horror.

Wait wait wait wait! Let's not jump to conclusions yet! However plausible that might be.

It's only the beginning, so maybe we should see for ourselves how it would play out first.

"Let's just say that because Kai is here, then the events that Kai appears in the novel won't occur," my feet halted its steps in front of the mirror-- "Then let's go back to the story."

Now, what the hell happened in the book again?

Yeah, Nathaniel and Estelle met in the Capital, what then? What was next after that?

I tried to think about it, scouring my brain for the answer, but I couldn't, for the life of me, recall a single thing at all.

"Oh my Go-- I don't remember anything!" I exclaimed and stared at my reflection in puzzlement.

I slowly grabbed my hair and stared at the woman in the mirror who was doing the same. She had the look of absolute terror on her face.

No matter how much I tried to recall the story, it was futile. The more I think about it, the murkier it gets. I could only reminisce bits and pieces, a nugget of my memory, and it would make my head hurt afterward.

"What is going on?" I was deeply mystified by this.

Three years is long enough to forget minor things. Those that don't have any significance or impact to my day, perhaps, but a story that connects me to this world... to forget it all completely...

"How bizarre..."

'Well, to be fair, I only read it once. But still...'

Why can't I recall even the plot? And the conflict? What was the main reason for the whole story again? Was Nadia the main antagonist? Why can't I remember?

"Am I sick?" I can't help but voice out as I look at myself-- "Or am I getting stupid?"

Maybe I am lacking sleep. Yep, that might be the reason...

"Let's sleep and think about it tomorrow," I grumbled and dove underneath the covers.


Thursday morning, I was at the parlor and creating new designs for dresses. Adele had asked me if I have new ideas because all the previous designs were in demand and had long been purchased. The ladies were all asking her if 'Helen' has new ideas yet.

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