Chapter 178: Visiting Gwen pt. 3

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"I can name all the flowers planted here..." Gwen casually remarked.

"I only know a few so that's pretty impressive," I commented.

"I doubt it," she snorted in disbelief. She then pointed towards a section of blue flowers at the side– "That's an Iris and it's the duchess's favorite. She was also named after it."

I admired the flowers in question for a bit, nodding my head.

"That explains it."

Iris... What a good name.

"Her other favorite would be this part, the hydrangeas," Gwen informed me again, pointing to the bushes that have a mixed cluster of pretty pink and blue buds– "Apparently, the roots can be used as medicine," she added.



"I told you, I know these types of information," she sighed.

I was fascinated by all the flowers that were relatively new to my eyes. I have seen a lot but these are the things I have never seen before. It kind of made me want to renovate my garden and add more. Probably some wall plants and vines...

Actually, if I could have a tiny man-made pond and with a floating gazebo in the middle, that would be awesome. But that would have too much work and it's not like it's a necessity anyway... But if I did get to design my garden in the future, I will certainly add that to the list.

"This garden is actually big?" I commented after a while of walking through and entering new spaces.

Gwen affirmed my thoughts, "Yeah, bigger than your own garden, I will say. It's some sort of a maze after all."

A maze garden? Cool!

"Do you think we can get lost here?" I couldn't help but ask as excitement thrummed through me.

Gwen lets out a chuckle, "Silly, you just have to follow the path where there are hydrangeas and you'll be fine."

"Ooohh, Lady Gwen sure knows a lot..." I teased her.

"I have been coming here for two weeks so of course, I will get familiarized here," she replied– "Anyway, I have to go and powder my nose."

Powder nose– ahhh...

"Okay, I'll stay here and admire the view."

Gwen didn't leave right away and started lecturing me for a moment.

"Remember to follow the path which has hydrangeas or you'll really get lost here."

"I know, I know... Geez..."

She already said that a couple of times already.

She seemed a little doubtful of me but maybe because she really needed to go to the restroom, she didn't say anything anymore and left with her maid in tow. Now, it's just me and Uno. He had masked his presence while tagging along so I don't have to mind him which is kind of thoughtful. He truly is such a great guard.

Just like what Gwen told me, I didn't stray further from the trail as I went deeper into the maze. But not venturing too deep because it would be such a pain to get out of here quickly. As I touched a few cornflowers, my eyes gravitated towards the part of a garden filled with red roses.

Alright, guys. You all know I'm crazy about roses, right? Anything red catches my eyes, again, except blood. So naturally, the red roses hypnotized me to approach them.

And upon closer inspection, these roses are big as heck. Bigger than my hands, that is. And the color is so vibrant I actually feel like it's not a normal breed of rose. Plus it has more petals than I usually see.

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