+()Deserted: Chase the Truth ()+

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"Well isn't this a surprise?" The silver-haired woman said.

"Coriana, do you have the items I asked you about?" The helmeted man asked sternly.

The woman reached a gloved hand and pulled a blue crystal pulsating softly in the dark alleyway. Keith reached out his hand to give it to the man, but Coriana quickly withdrew and held out her other hand, rubbing her thumb and index finger together. Keith had a coin on him, but it wouldn't be enough for a glowing crystal. The man pulled out a lilac sack tied with an indigo string and threw it to Coriana. She grabbed it greedily and tossed the crystal to Keith in one fluid motion. 

" This isn't enough payment......"Coriana said.

"You said it was 25,000, so I supplied that," The man said, arms stretched in front of him. 

Coriana's knife-like eyes narrowed down as she spoke, "Give me ALL your money and my quintessence crystal back, and one of you gets to go free. Alright ?"

Keith began to sweat in the cool of the night, thinking he would be the one to die, then a clawed hand clasped his shoulder. Keith felt the hand move down his arm to his hand, then his feet began to run through the alleys and streets as though it was second nature. All he could see was a blur of purple through a hazy sea of black dotted with flashes and lights. Then a thud of something heavy on the ground, brushing his foot and nearly making him fall. He tried to look up, seeing a glimpse of white across the purple and black of Mengarthea's streets. The flashes slowed down to Keith overlooking the city, filling his nose with a cavalcade of spices and aromas from the bustling tents below. Keith felt excitement wash over him, being on top of Mengarthea's plaza, but the sound of laughter and metal scratching snapped him back. He looked around for the helmeted man, only to see a stranger with white hair flowing softly behind his back holding his hand. Keith didn't get a good look at his face before the man swept Keith into his arms. Keith felt his heart pound and his feet grasp the cold air as his vision began to turn into a slide of lights and buildings plummeting down. He closed his eyes, moments before he fell to the ground hard. 

Keith groaned, his head spinning as he attempted to hoist himself off the ground. As he did, his side emitted a searing pain, dark red slowly forming on his clothes. Keith turned his head to the side, and found the white-haired man on his knees, clutching his stomach. Keith reached out a hand, trying to steady himself while holding his side. He touched the man's back, making both of them flinch.

"Are you ok?" Keith asked, voice wavering.

"I-I-I'm fine, but do you have the crystal...?" the man said nervously.

Keith pulled out the small shard, now pulsating purple and wet with blood. Keith thought That's what cut me, so much money for a little gem. He held it out in his palm and placed it on the man's lap, making him look up at Keith. 

The man's skin was pale lavender, illuminated by yellow eyes containing slit blue irises. His ears were long and pointed, and his nose was sharp and long. Keith stared into his eyes, senses of dread, pain, and harsh memories swirled in his mind. Keith only spoke six more words that night.

"What?! How are you alive L-" Keith stopped. Memories in his head began to pour out and erase themselves before he could continue. The man's yellow eyes widened, and his mouth curved to a scared thin line. He abrubtly stood up, still clutching his bloody side and offered his free hand to Keith. Keith took it, a wavering look across his face as he was face to chest with the galran man.  They both turned towards the small forest before them, and walked side by side bleeding together  without saying a word.  

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