+[]Chapter 2 : Adapt []+

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Keith was on the dirt ground, legs tucked in his chest, waiting for his tears to dry. Keith just gave up and decided to find shelter for the night, he grabbed his bag (now packed) and explored the wide verity of jungle.

Keith had found a small cave at the bottom of a mountain, surprisingly it was near a lake or something of the sort. It was damp and cold but Keith could manage, he set his bag down on the still dirt ground. He felt his eyelids get heavy and set his back against the ground and his head on his bag and drifted off to sleep.  

He awoke to the the dripping water from the ceiling of the cave, as he was every morning as the water freezes every night and melts in the morning. It's usually cold in the morning but he felt warmth on his skin although he left his blanket near the fire to dry. He looked down at his arms to see them covered in purple fur, his eyes widened at this and he felt fear wash over him.

No, no, no! This can't be happening...

He ran out the cave as soon as possible, fearing for himself, he ran to the half melted lake and looked through the green tinted water seeing a creature covered in purple and eyes yellow staring back at him. Remembering  that was him, he built up the courage and lifted his furry hand to his furry ears making sure they where his. 

Is this a dream, either way It doesn't make much of a difference.

Kieth sighed and walked back his cave picking some fruits or something like it for breakfast. He took a bite and stopped, smelling something sour...smoke.

He hadn't smelled smoke in so long but the familiar sent was what he grew up with, he looked up to see where it was coming from, instead he saw a wide purple ship.

"Shit" Keith said, but what he said wasn't in English.


Needing to find answers he quickly ran to his cave to get his stuff but when he entered nothing was there. Then he heard footsteps behind him...

"Hello there..." 

(What He would look like)

( Cave and forest )

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