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"Just let me explain," Jeon said the moment they were outside the clinic. It was raining and Hobie hurriedly raised the hood of her coat over her head before scurrying for her car. He followed her even though she was still quite obviously ignoring him and keeping her back to him. She fumbled for her car keys in her large bag and he groaned in frustration before dropping his hands onto her narrow shoulders to turn her around. Her face was wet and he sighed deeply as he wiped at the moisture, which could have been tears or rain.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, lowering his head so that she could hear him over the clamour of cars driving by and the freezing rain. "Hobie, that didn't come out right. It didn't mean what you thought it did."

"What does it matter what I think?" She finally asked bitterly.

"It matters," his large hands cupped her face and his forehead lowered to hers. "It matters very much, Hobie."

"No," she shook her head slightly. "It doesn't." She put her hands to his broad chest wanting to push him away but the rain had soaked through his white shirt plastering it to his skin and turning it so transparent that he may as well have been naked, so instead of pushing her hands stroked and petted and he moaned hungrily before touching his lips to hers. Hobie didn't even pretend to fight, she simply melted into him and wrapped her arms around him, digging her fingers into his back as she arched up against him and opened her mouth to his hot, demanding tongue. His hands were wrapped in the wet hair and he tugged her head back to gain better access to her mouth as his tongue hungrily probed at hers, leaving not one inch of her mouth unexplored. The sound of a car horn close by brought them to their senses and they jumped apart guiltily both flushed and breathing rapidly, both shaking uncontrollably. Hobie stared up into Jeon's dazed eyes and blinked at the vulnerability that she thought she saw there.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you," he suddenly murmured hoarsely and she stared back at him uncomprehendingly.

"You were just being honest," she finally whispered and his brows slammed together in a formidable frown.

"No! I mean... yes I was but... you misunderstood me," he sounded completely muddled and Hobie stared up into his harsh face in wonder, not entirely sure what to make of this overly-emotional man in front of her.

"So make me understand," she finally invited, after a long and uncomfortable pause. He seemed shocked by the invitation and for a moment looked unable to respond.

"I meant that the baby's sex made no difference to me either way because I would love it regardless of what it was," he said in a rush and she gaped up at him incredulously for a moment before placing both hands on his chest and pushing him away violently. He was taken by surprise and staggered back, nearly sprawling to the wet tarmac before catching himself and finding his balance.

"Why would you say that? Why would you lie like that? I don't deserve it, Jeon... I haven't done anything to deserve any of this but you keep finding new and creative ways to hurt me." She went back to fumbling in her bag and finally found her keys.

"Don't try to pretend that you care," she hissed at him. "I know you don't. Five more months of this and you'll be free to go back to your Jungha and start your real life with a real wife and babies that you will really love!" He seemed stunned by her attack but her mention of Jungha brought his eyes sharply up to hers.

"What? Did you think I didn't know about your precious Jungha? The woman you love, the woman you wanted to marry before my father forced you into this sham? I know you see her every time you go back to Japan, just like I know you'll be going to her when you go back this week!" She was practically screaming now, frustrated by the way he simply stood there. Like someone who'd been caught in a bomb blast, he looked dazed and shocked.

Contract Marriage 18+ [A Hopekook Fanfiction] ✓Where stories live. Discover now