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"Have you thought of names for the baby yet?" He asked after nearly half an hour of increasingly comfortable silence and Hobie was so relaxed by that time that she couldn't even summon up any outrage at what she considered a forbidden topic.

"Hmmm..." she moaned, inhaling his warm, clean scent with visible pleasure. "I like the names Jungho and Minho. Yeonjun maybe but I'm leaning toward Jang..." her voice trailed off awkwardly as she realized what she had revealed and hoped that he wouldn't notice. But this was Jeon and he was sharper than the proverbial tack.

"Jang?" He observed casually. "Jangwoo?"

Stupid, stupid fool! She berated herself angrily. How could she have revealed that she was leaning towards naming her son after him? He said nothing further on the subject and she relaxed after a few tense minutes.

"What about girl names?" He finally asked. "You haven't thought of any?" Of course she hadn't thought of any! She was having a boy. She refused to answer his question.

"I like the name Lily," he murmured, his voice almost dreamy as he continued to gently stroke the slight mound of her abdomen. "Or Ji-ah... Lily would have black hair like mine but beautiful eyes like yours... but I think a Ji-ah should have brown hair and hazel eyes, don't you?" He didn't wait for her response, merely continued on in that same dreamy voice. "Lily would be a sweet child... but Ji-ah... she's temperamental. She likes to throw things..."

"Stop it," she finally hissed angrily. "There will be no Lily or Ji-ah! There will be a Yeonjun or an Minho, maybe a Jungho or an Jang... and he will have black hair and brown eyes. He will be a sweet and lovable child." He didn't comment, merely kept up the soothing, non-threatening movements of his large, strong hands. A while afterwards, the lazy stroking slowed down, before stopping completely and his hands became heavy on her body, his large frame slumping heavily against hers. A soft snore confirmed that he had fallen asleep and Hobie sighed quietly before allowing herself to drift off as well.

The natural light in the room had a warm orange glow to it when she woke up later and she realized it was just after dusk, meaning that she had slept for nearly five hours. She sighed lazily, feeling remarkably warm and comfortable with her head cushioned on Jeon's warm, hard chest, her neck supported by his upper arm, which was curled around her shoulders; his big hand snuggled just under her right breast. One of her hands was tucked under her cheek and the other was... she tensed abruptly when she realized where her audacious hand had come to rest. It was cupped over the firm bulge of his crotch, a bulge that was rapidly swelling and hardening beneath her palm.

"Don't panic...." Jeon's sleep-roughened voice growled the deep tenor of his voice rumbling through the chest beneath her head. "Don't... it's nothing."

"It doesn't feel like nothing to me," her own voice was husky with sleep and she amazed herself when, instead of following her first instinct and snatching her hand away from his crotch, she gently and almost tentatively, curled her hand around the thickening shaft of flesh.

"Madre de You, hobie..." he choked out on a strangled voice. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Nothing," she murmured, her small hand petting and stroking him in much the same way he had done earlier, only a lot less innocent.

"Hobie," his voice was strained. "Sweetheart, please... if you keep doing that I don't know... I don't think..."

"'Don't think'..." she purred, lifting her head from his chest to meet his pleading brown eyes. "That's a good idea."

"What the hell has gotten into you?" Hobie didn't really know the answer to that, only she had missed having him in her bed, in her arms... in her body the last few months and while, logically, she knew that her raging hormones had a great deal to do with her unwanted urges, she also knew that a large part of it could be attributed to her annoyingly undying love and desire for him.

"Hobie, I don't think this is what the doctor had in mind when he recommended bed rest and... you don't really want this..." he muttered, reaching down to drag her hand away from his straining, fully erect length.

"I do," she protested, trying to pull her hand free of his strong grip.

"No... you're... I don't know... your hormones are out of control because of the pregnancy, that's why you feel like this," his voice trailed off when one of her slender thighs moved up to where her hand had just been, he moaned helplessly when she applied slight pressure and relaxed his hold on her. That was all she needed and she was straddling him before either of them realized her intention. Suddenly her warm feminine mound was grinding up against him and both of them were groaning. Hobie watched as his head tilted back on the pillow and smiled in catlike satisfaction when his hands dropped to her thighs to drag her even closer. She braced her hands on his broad chest in order to maintain her balance and continued to sensuously rub herself against him.

"I think you may be right," she eventually gasped. "About the hormones... I want you but I don't want to want you." Her frustration with herself and the situation were clouding her clear green eyes and his eyes went stormy with some kind of ruthlessly repressed emotion.

"Sssh... sweetheart... I read that pregnant women sometimes... well most times, get really..." his voice trailed off as he struggled to find the right word, his mind obviously not on what he was saying as sweat started to bead his brow and his eyes took on a glazed, faraway look.

"Horny?" She supplied and she sensed the utter shock in his absolute stillness. She had never said the word before, even though he had on numerous occasions.

"Yes..." he finally said, after clearing his throat awkwardly.

"Because I am," she reiterated, enjoying his discomfiture immensely as she continued to move sensuously against him. His hips were starting to strain upward slightly with each lazy movement she made and she relished the absolute power she had over him.

"You said there would be no sex," he reminded desperately, his breathing becoming more laboured. "And I don't think we can have sex while you're on bed rest..."

"But maybe we can fool around a bit?" She smiled down into her husband's shocked face, feeling like the cat that had stolen the cream.

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