Chapter 4

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By some force of the universe, Harry and I were able to come up with an agreeable plan on where and when to meet. It was the second class when I saw Harry for the first time that week since Melissa and Niall's post-class drink at the bar. 

"Okay, so when do you want to work on the project?" I asked Harry, hoping to finally get this over with.

"I don't know, when are you free?" Harry responded with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"I have class in the mornings and work in the afternoons, so I'm pretty much free in the evenings," I replied, trying to keep my tone polite.

"Well, I have football (soccer) practice in the evenings, so that won't work," Harry said, sounding frustrated.

"Okay, how about this weekend?" I suggest.

"I have a game on Saturday, and I'm going out with friends on Sunday," Harry responded.

"Okay, what about Monday?" I asked, trying not to get too irked.

"I have a lab report due on Monday, so I'll be working on that all day," Harry said, sounding exasperated as if I was the one being difficult.

I could feel my patience running thin. "Harry, we need to work on this project. Can't you make time for it?" I reprimanded, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I am making time for it, I'm just busy," Harry retorted defensively.

I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. "Okay, what about Wednesday evenings? Can we meet at the library?"

Harry seems to consider this for a moment. "Yeah, I can do Wednesdays. What time?"

"Let's say seven pm at the library. Does that work for you?" I questioned, feeling a glimmer of hope.

"Yeah, that works," Harry said, sounding more agreeable.

"Great, I'll see you there," I breathed, relieved that we had finally made a plan. We parted ways, feeling relief of not being in his presence anymore, but a looming swirl in my stomach for Wednesdays at seven pm.


As I walked into the library, I felt a shift in the air probably due to my own anxiety leading up to this day. I had been dreading it all week, and now, standing at the entrance of the library, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I am determined to make this project meeting as smooth as possible, not in the mood for unnecessary drama.

I scanned the room, searching for his familiar face, and eventually, my eyes landed on him.. And there he was, sitting at a table near the back, his laptop open and a mountain of books scattered around him.

With a deep breath and shuffled over to Harry. "Hey," I spoke, trying to sound casual.

Harry glanced up, his expression not even registering a flicker of acknowledgment. He continued typing away on his laptop, ignoring my presence entirely. His bag and stuff were sprawled out across the chair meant for me, and his books occupied my half of the table, effectively blocking me from sitting down and putting my own things.

It was a clear message: I was not welcome.

I blinked in disbelief, thinking maybe he hadn't noticed me yet. "Uh, Harry, do you mind moving your stuff so I can sit down?" I asked politely, giving him the benefit of the doubt.

He finally looked up, his eyes filled with an icy indifference that sent shivers down my spine. "I'm using both chairs," he said curtly, making no effort to clear the space.

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