Chapter 5

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It should come to no surprise that Melissa and Niall had officially started dating. They were like two puzzle pieces that had finally found their perfect fit. Of course, they'd been inseparable since day one, but neither had wanted to put a label on their relationship too hastily.

Melissa and I were having a girls night at our place when she "broke" the news. It was a much-needed girls night, allowing us to spend some quality time after just the first couple weeks of the semester had already managed to exhaust us with the amount of studying and assignments we had to do.

The wine had been flowing and our favorite rom-coms queued up, ready to go. Pizza had been ordered, and a striking idea was conceived to create a fort in the living room to lie in while watching the movies. I blame the wine for the way we were acting as little school girls, struggling to push the couch to make room, gathering all the cushions and blankets we could find like children on a treasure hunt.

Melissa skipped back into the room with fairy lights that she was determined to hang on top of the many blankets we used to construct the roof of the fort. Once successful, we both stood back to admire our very warm, cozy, and somehow still standing fort, feeling very carefree and happy.

"Do you remember when we tried to make that homemade pizza and it turned out terrible?" Melissa chimed in, nostalgia lighting up her eyes as we attempted to rearrange the furniture.

"Oh my gosh, how could I forget?" Wide-eyed at the memory, "we nearly burned the whole complex down," I chuckled, picturing the smoke alarm frenzy, both dissolved into laughter. "Which is why we're ordering pizza this time," I warned with a stern, pointed look.

Soon, the fragrant aroma of pizza filled the air, allowing us to finally nestle inside the fort, cuddling as we indulge in our movie marathon. The cheesy lines and heartwarming stories drew us in, and soon we were laughing and crying with the characters on screen. It was moments like these that made me grateful for Melissa's friendship. She always knew how to make me feel better and lift my spirits. Before long, the movie became background noise as we chatted away. Lying on the floor with our feet sticking out, we talked about everything and nothing.

As the soft glow of the fairy lights bathed our makeshift fort, Melissa's radiant smile was impossible to miss. It danced across her face like a secret she was dying to share. A mixture of curiosity and excitement filled the air, and I couldn't help but wonder what had her so elated. The pizza boxes sat pushed aside, forgotten for now, and the rom-com movie remained paused on the screen, waiting for our attention.

Melissa fidgeted with her wine glass, her fingers tracing the rim as if drawing courage from it. Her gaze finally met mine, eyes sparkling with a hidden story. "Ev," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "I have something to tell you."

My curiosity deepened, and I leaned in closer, my heart pounding with anticipation. "What is it, Mel?" I urged her gently, my voice laced with concern.

A breath escaped her, and her smile widened, revealing the happiness that had been building up inside her. "Niall and I," she began, her voice trembling with excitement, "we're officially dating."

"What? No way!" I gasped with a fake shocked expression, my hands cupping my face to add dramatic effect. Melissa shoved me slightly, crimson coating her face. "But really, that's amazing!" I exclaimed, feeling warmth in my chest, knowing that one of my closest friends had found someone who made her happy. Their connection was undeniable, but the step from 'seeing each other' to 'officially dating' was a significant one.

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