Chapter 15

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"Okay we are never going with any of your suggestions ever again."

"How was I supposed to know it was gonna be closed" Harry defended.

I huffed back in response, eying the uphill walk back to our building. As I trudged uphill, burdened by the weight of my bag, I couldn't help but feel the strain in every step. It was a struggle even on the best of days, and right now, especially considering the challenge the incline posed, it felt like an insurmountable task. Harry, always perceptive, noticed my struggle but chose to remain silent initially.

His snarky expression spoke volumes as he sidled up next to me, assessing the situation with a keen eye. The unspoken understanding between us hung in the air as if he could read the physical toll the uphill climb was taking on me.

Attempting to hide my struggle, I soldiered on, but it became increasingly apparent that the incline was getting the better of me. Short gasps escaped my lips, and my legs felt like they might give out at any moment. Finally breaking his silence, Harry's tone dripped with sarcasm as he remarked, "You look like you're about to pass out. Give me your bag."

I scowled, my pride wounded, but my body secretly grateful for the lifeline. "I'm good," I insisted, although both Harry and I knew that was far from the truth. The weight of my bag seemed to float off my shoulders, I turned to witness Harry holding my bag up with a raised eyebrow. The straps were the only thing reminding me that I hadn't taken off the bag. With an eye roll, I shrugged off my backpack.

Harry smirked and grabbed my bag without another word. He hoisted not only my bag but also his own, distributing the load between his shoulders.

The cafe we were originally meant to go to was closed temporarily, apparently going through renovations. Harry swore it was open the last time he went, which was last semester. Not wanting to waste time finding a new place to study, I suggested my apartment.

We continued our ascent, and while Harry's not exactly being chivalrous, he's not being rude either. It was a strange feeling, having him help me without making a big deal out of it. I couldn't decide if I preferred the snarky Harry or this slightly more considerate version. "Now you have no excuse for being slow, hurry up. I'm hungry"

As we reached the top of the hill and our apartment building came into view, Harry unceremoniously dropped my bag at my feet. "There you go, princess. You made it."

I rolled my eyes at his comment, I seemed to do that alot in his presence, but couldn't help but mutter a begrudging, "Thanks."

Eventually we made it inside and into the elevator to our floor. I led the way to my apartment door, fishing for my keys that were somewhere stuffed into my backpack. Harry leaned against the wall, his body and head pressed onto the wall. "Holy shit, don't unlock the door" Harry abruptly stood straight, grabbing my hands before I could shove the key into the door lock.

"What, why?" I questioned, confused. Harry guided my ear against the door. I heard muffled moans causing me to quickly step away from the door. "Fuckin' hell" I whispered, "They're fucking in there!" Eyes wide.

He leaned in closer to me and whispered, "People tend to do that. Unless you want to walk in on them, let's just head to my place." Without waiting, he headed a couple doors down, keys already in hand. Not having much of a choice I obliged behind him.

Door unlocked and opened, Harry's arms were stretched out allowing me to enter first. It was eerily similar to my own, except for the subtle differences in decor and layout. It was laid out almost identically to mine, just across the hallway. The same cozy living area, a small kitchen to the side, and a hallway leading to the bedrooms. It was like deja vu, only with different furniture and decorations.

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