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Dan and Drew's dms

Drew: lap :3

Dan: Drew please i need to go to the bathroom, get off

Drew: but I'm comfy (ಥ_ಥ)

Dan: Dreewww

Drew: okay :(

Main chat

Drew: :(

Gabby: oh no bestie whats wrong

Drew: Dan's not next to me anymore :(

Jake: gay

Ellie: says the gay

Jake: that's how i know

Gabby: he's just in the bathroom bestie, he'll be back

Drew: he's back :D

Dan: Drew i only left for one minute

Drew: idc you're my bestest bestie

Nick: "bestie"

Gabby: stfu Nick only i can tease them

Nick: Bitch i do what i want

Alec: come do me then

Ellie: WOAH

Jake: WOAH


Drew: WOAH



Trevor: aw i didn't get to join in this time :(

Derek: ugh, I'll let you be apart of the next chain before interrupting it

Trevor: yay :D

Trevor: 🦆

Derek: Trevor, what

Trevor: duck :)

Derek: why

Trevor: Silly Billy reference

Lill: who's Silly Billy

Derek: LILL NO

Trevor: *starts a happy rant about Silly Billy*

Dan: dear god, he likes this dude alot

Tom: well it is he's voice actor

Jensen: why are you of all people breaking the forth wall

Tom: wait you're alive


Jensen: no

Jenson goes offline

Tom: well then, that job is back on then

Gabby: eheheheheheh

Ashley: you saw something Gabby?

Gabby: just Drew sitting on Dan's lap ^_^

Dan: he always does this, he's comfortable

Gabby: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Dan: god damn it Gabby stop it with that face

Gabby: no

Nick: /Alec daddy~


Dan: wtf?

Drew: woah Nick, you call Alec Daddy?

Nick leaves the chat

Derek adds Nick back to chat

Derek: this is interesting >:)

Nick: no its not, leave me alone

Alec: they would've if you had made sure to say that in our dms instead

Fiore: tf is happening

Derek: damnit the childs here never mind

Drew: btw Jake, I'm not gay, I'm pansexual (hc)

Jake: still lgbtq so close enough

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