screaming in public restrooms pt 1

379 7 38

Dan: the title?

Zazriel: don't question it, i was trying to erase a AO3 fanfic from my brain

Drew: . .was it that one ?

Zazriel: yes

Drew: dear god. . .. .

Dan: never read or speak of that fanfic again

Drew: agreed

The Tom fan has questions

Tom: dude I'm with Jake and don't even know you, but I'm flattered

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Tom: dude I'm with Jake and don't even know you, but I'm flattered

Lake: yea i bake

Tom: i like horror

Jake: i like comedy more

Lake: i should win

Kiss marry kill will be in next chapter

FanficHearts: Tom, Jake when will you two get married?

Tom: soon

Jake: id- WAIT WHAT

HCF: Tom how did you discover your sexuality

Tom: uh . .. . well. . .basically i realised at 15 that i got more enjoyment staring at guys over girls

basically i realised at 15 that i got more enjoyment staring at guys over girls

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Alec: yes

Nick: seriously. . ..

Alec: heh, it's time to pay back that favour, Nick

Nick: NO

Hcf: has anyone here had a furry phase? Also I'm friends with Werewolf

Gabby: yes

Dan: /HCF of course you are

Dan: /Gabby and of course you did
Also does a fnaf phase count?

Werewolf: 😎 i always come back
Also Aiden why do you like emo stufg so much

Aiden: because i can

Drew: understandable

Aiden: also I'm trans so

Dan: how tf does that correlate?

Oliver: it just does

Jake: when did you get here

Oliver: just now, Krystal gave me a break

Gabby: a break from what ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Derek: me and Trevor are here too

Werewolf: /Derek do you like Trevor's twerking

Derek: yes

Krystal: ha gay

Derek: bi
And no use hiding the fact we're dating anymore

Trevor: why did Emily call us soap droppers :(

Emily: because you are

Derek: bitch when did you get here

Emily: same time as the others

Zazriel mutes Emily

Krystal: why?

Zazriel: idk why, i just felt like it

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