🏳️‍🌈i found the gay emoji🏳️‍🌈

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Sorry for not uploading this for so long, was extremely busy and distracted

Ellie: the title, seriously?

Zaz: it fits cuz all y'all gay

Kai: hey Drew about that biting thing i heard you do

Drew: i get consent from my friends first before i bite them, After all, I'm not Wilbur Soot

Kai: sick burn man

Question time again

LexDaFloof: i know this probably doesn't count but do you all know there's an entire website for Fialec shippers? I am not saying its name

Alec: WHAT


Drew: those people should die

Dan: agreed

HCF: are you guys aware theres 2 Fiore x Alec fanfics

Zaz: three now apparently

Fiore: i think I'm going to vomit....

Alec: I'm literally her father figure in canon...

Fiore: fucking freaks

HCF: are any of you guys a fan of the Night in the Woods?

Drew: yes :D i play it with Dan alot

Dan: yea, our favorite is still Pokémon though

Grett: of course it is
I like that game too

HCF: Grett- how are things with the family
Alec- why did you help Fiore after the betrayal

Grett: i don't talk to them anymore, better for me

Alec: because i do what i want

HCF: Yul
Why are you a mushroom fetus asshole

Yul: bitch wtf?

Grett: you kind of are

Yul: it was for the show!

Grett: you still are though

Yul: well you kissed Riya in front of me to make me jealous

Connor: what

Riya: fuck wait

Riya deleted Yul's message

Riya: Yul didn't say anything


Connor goes offline

Riya: fucking hate you sometimes Yul

Riya goes idle

HCF: to Gabs, why did you say Ellie was the only one to make you feel valid

Gabby: because for the longest time, she was

HCF: so, Tom and Jake, do you two howl during sex and also Tom did you notice anything funny when you said "come one Jake, Blow"

Tom: 1. Haha funny blowjob joke /sarc, 2, no

Dan: yes you guys do, we've heard you

Drew: i don't like living in the same house as you two sometimes, my innocence :(

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