Extra scene - THAT night

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A/n: As promised here is the scene where Harry and Marnie first met one another and all the drama began! Hope you like it!!


As the taxi pulled up outside the bar and Elenore screeched in my ear, I grimaced. Whatever happened tonight was going to be utter drunken chaos - exactly what she'd requested for her birthday. My best friend didn't do things by halves and I just knew that meant we were going to be in for a wild night and one hell of a hangover the next morning. Elenore had ensured we were dressed to impress in heels taller than our own legs and skirts that left little to the imagination. She'd made me look good though. Almost as though I was glowing for a change, rather than sulking in silence in one of the many rooms in my parent's house. With the backgrounds that Elenore and I had, we deserved to let our hair down - even if it did entail stumbling around like intoxicated versions of Bambi or finishing the night with our heads hanging over a toilet bowl.

"Boobs out, bum out. Ok, Marn?" Were the last words I heard before Elenore hauled me from the taxi and thrust the two of us in the direction of an overflowing door way. I barely moved an inch without tripping or catching the base of my heels on jagged pavement slabs, but somehow Elenore got us there in one piece.

We'd barely crossed the threshold when my chest began to vibrate with the thumping bass coming from the speakers. It was absolutely packed. The majority of attendees were totally sloshed and the rest were well on their way. Elenore weaved between them, guiding us towards the bar that was barely visible through the mass of compacted bodies and instantly barked an order at the barman. It wasn't long before a petite glass filled with a clear liquid was placed under my nose. My eyes began to water.

"Vodka?" I shouted over the music. Elenore wiggled her eyebrows and raised her glass into the air, gesturing that I should do the same. I quickly followed, wincing as our glasses chinked against one another before tipping the alcohol down my throat. The flames licked my throat and soon enough a warm feeling began to spread through my body.

"Holy shit!" Elenore screeched; her eyes twinkling under the glare of the spot lights. She turned her attention back to the barman. "Another two please!"

"Sheesh." I chuckled. "It's still early, Ele!"

"Marnie, if either of us are even remotely sober by the end of this evening I will be absolutely, totally and utterly fuming!" She'd always been a drama queen but it was one of the things I loved about her. She certainly made my life far more interesting.

"You're the boss, birthday girl!" I told her and accepted the second shot glass from the hovering bar man. The second injection of alcohol went straight to my head and I had to grab a stool for support.

"That's the spirit, Marn!" Elenore roared before hollering at the barman once again and waving some notes in his face. "Two Bicardi and cokes please!"

We spent the next few hours stumbling through the masses of people, desperately attempting to keep hold of our drinks as people bumped against us. I was pretty sure that we were supposed to be dancing but instead I just followed Elenore around like a lost puppy as she rubbed shamelessly up against every male in the room. Her behaviour was often a source of embarrassment for me but tonight I had to let her off. If this was how she enjoyed herself then so be it. And perhaps I could have a little fun too.

At some point during the night I mustered up the courage to stumble over to a guy dancing alone. He seemed ecstatic that someone was finally paying him some attention and instantly began dancing in close proximity to my body. I decided to let myself go with the flow and allowed my loosened limbs to move with the music. I probably looked like a total fool having some sort of meltdown, but the eager stranger didn't seem to mind and if anything was replicating the same moves. I found myself giggling hysterically at the mess our bodies were making and before long the strange man had slipped amongst the people surrounding us. Sober Marnie would have probably been somewhat upset at the sting of rejection or the realisation that the opposite sex found me totally repulsive, however my drunken state simply allowed myself to shrug before guiding me back towards the bar.

My eyes clocked an empty stool and relief surged through my aching heels as I hauled myself up onto the padded seat. I had no idea where Elenore was or if she needed her drink replenished but I was sure she'd have been proud if she'd seen me increasing my alcohol intake yet again. I slurred an order at whoever was on the other side of the solid counter and dumped my clutch bag on the surface so I could begin fumbling around for cash. I felt quite literally 'blind drunk'. I could barely remember what my purse or a ten pound note looked like. Moments later my lap was suddenly flooded and for a split second I thought I'd had an embarrassing accident.

"Shit! I am sooooo sorry!" A male voice gushed. I continued staring down at my lap as my nose wrinkled at the strong smell. Bourbon. And coke. "I need paper towels now!" He suddenly yelled and I looked up, panicked, as the woman behind the bar only gawked at him in the response. What was her problem? I was basically drowning in whiskey here.

"But you're Harry Styles!" She sputtered and I immediately jerked my head in his direction. She was right. I think. Through my spinning vision I could make out a head of curls and a dimpled face. As if this was happening to me right now. Elenore was going to freak when she found out, although she'd always been more of a fan of his Irish band mate.

"I still need the paper towels!" He yelled again, throwing me a frantic glance as I stared at him open mouthed and wide eyed. He seemed to gaze at me briefly for a moment before turning back to the woman and I'd almost forgotten that I was soaking in alcohol when he was suddenly wiping down my thighs with rough green paper. I probably should have been embarrassed but instead I laughed.

"What the hell is Harry Styles doing rubbing my legs?" He looked up at me and smirked before quirking a single eyebrow.

"Isn't it every girls dream?" The alcohol fuelled arrogance rolled off his tongue quickly and I snorted.

"Easy tiger. I happen to be really fond of this skirt and look what you've done to it." I wasn't fond of the skirt at all. In fact I'd never seen it before this evening and I'd spent most the preparation for Elenore's big 'do' pulling it down self consciously and wishing I could change into something a little more conservative.

"Hm." Harry replied; frowning slightly. "I'd happily buy you a new one but let's be honest here, that skirt would look much better off." I threw my head back and laughed as the colour rushed to my cheeks. Honestly, this guy.

"I guess you'll never know!" I'd never flirted in my life but apparently it was working because the next thing I knew, Harry was brushing my hair behind my ears and tilting my chin up towards his face. It had all happened so fast that I wasn't entirely sure what I was supposed to do and so I just stared at him.

"I'm staying in the hotel upstairs." His voice was deep and husky and for a moment I was too caught up in the close proximity of our bodies and the smell of his aftershave to form a response. He let his lips linger against mine before interlocking one of my hands with his. "Come with me?" His words were barely a whisper and somehow even in my drunken state I'd been able to hear them.

In that moment I forgot all about Elenore and the fact it was her eighteenth birthday or the fact that I had highly disapproving and old fashioned parents and I even managed to blank out that this was Harry freakin' Styles from the biggest boy band currently in the charts. Elenore had intended for me to have a good night and so I was going to. I pressed my lips gently against Harry's.

"Lead the way."

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