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I awoke to the muffled sound of Nola grizzling. I didn't feel as though I'd been asleep for long and considering Nola and I had gone to bed at the same time, I wondered what could of woken her up. As my ears focused I realised it wasn't just Nola who was making a noise. There was a soothing humming sound coming from the same direction, repeating itself over and over in a comforting manner. I rolled over and stared into the darkness where Nola's cot stood.

There, illuminated by only the moonlight that had crept through the blinds, was Harry cradling our daughter in his arms. His head was tilted towards her face and his eyes were closed. I felt my lips part at the sight and a small sigh escaped them. I wanted paper and a pencil, paints, charcoal, a camera, anything so that I could capture the image forever. It was the most precious thing I had ever witnessed. I was too afraid to blink or look away in case they moved. 

I watched as Harry rocked her from the safety of his arms whilst humming in her ears. Nola's sobs grew fainter until they were replaced by the sound of her heavy breathing instead. Harry's head rolled back and I saw his lips stretch into a smile. I knew how he was feeling. The feeling of sending your child off to sleep was one that was difficult to be topped. That rare first moment of silence was one all parents craved. He gently lowered Nola into her cot and tucked one of her soft toys under her arm. 

"Harry." I whispered eventually, breaking the silence. He whirled around with a somewhat smug look on his face. 

"Hey." He breathed, approaching my bed. In that moment I was so relieved that it was too dark to see one another properly, I would have died if he'd been able to see me in my tatty pyjamas, red faced and blotchy from all the crying.

"When did you get here? What's wrong with Nola?" I croaked. My throat was thick with sleep and I coughed to clear it.

"About fifteen minutes ago," he replied. "And I think I might have startled her when I came in. I did a pretty good job at getting her back off if I do say so myself."

"I saw you flaunting your daddy skills." I chuckled quietly. "How was your gig?" Harry shrugged out of his jacket and kicked off his shoes, chucking them on the floor while I stared at him in complete horror. "What are you doing?!"

"Getting in with you, of course." He said slowly, before pulling back the duvet and sliding into the bed beside me. I completely froze, my limbs locking into place.

"Harry I-" I began to protest but he placed one of his large hands over my mouth. The metal bands of his rings were cold against my skin and I shivered.

"Stop over thinking it." He told me, before winding an arm around the back of my neck and pulling me into his chest. "I'm just here for you remember, Marnie. Stop asking about me and tell me how you really feel."

I gulped. I wasn't sure how I felt being in such close proximity to him like this. It was too intimate for two people whose only connection was that they had a child with one another. I couldn't think when he had me pressed so tightly against him.

"Have you fallen asleep?" He whispered in my ear. A stray curl tickled my face, making goosebumps rise on my arms.

"No." I said quickly. Too quickly. Harry chuckled and began tracing shapes with his fingertip on my forehead. How was any women supposed to think when Harry Styles was basically torturing them in this way?

"Would you like to go to sleep, or are you going to answer my question?" His voice was gentle, not teasing like his actions suggested. 

"I'm not sure what you want me to say." I admitted. Harry pulled me closer and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Well I'll start then." He said confidently. "While I appreciate that Alice and Preston are your parents and therefore Nola's grandparents, I don't want them having any more to do with her. If you want to see them, then that's your choice, but I don't want them seeing our daughter anymore. Not if this is going to be the outcome. And for the record this isn't me being one of those controlling dudes or overprotective fathers, I just know this is for the best."

I released a staggered sigh as I held back a sob. I hated that Harry was right about my parents. I hated that they couldn't be more like Anne. But most of all I hated the fact that I didn't even want to see them anymore.

"I don't think I'll exactly be seeing them any time soon." I told him. "But you're right. I don't want them having anything to do with Nola either. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" He sounded amused.

"For having the world's worst parents." I shrugged. "Poor Nola, what a mess."

Harry pulled away from me and placed one of his long fingers under my chin, tilting it up so that I was looking at him. "Hey, don't say stuff like that. Nola has two parents that love her, hell, she has a whole band that loves her. She's got my Mum and Robin, Gemma and Elenore. She's got family coming out of her ears, Marnie, that is not a mess." 

"And what about me?" I said in a small voice. 

"You're just as much part of our family as Nola is, you idiot." He sighed. "You'd have been stupid to think otherwise." 

"But we have no plan, Harry. You're not even on the birth certificate yet." The words fell out of my mouth like mush. 

"You mean you're actually going to put me on it?" He beamed into the dark. I felt myself starting to smile.

"Of course I am." Harry's hold of me tightened. ""But there's visitation rights to agree on, not to mention your fanbase to deal with, and I want Nola to start nursery when she's three so there's that to decide on too."

"She's only just turned one, Marnie!" Harry exclaimed, sounding stressed. "Let's cross the nursery bridge when we get to it, eh?" 

"And what about the other stuff?" I pressed. 

"Well we'll sort that out too, but not right now. We both need to sleep. You're exhausted and I have to catch a flight back to Amsterdam tomorrow." He released me from his hold and slid out of the bed, much to my dismay.

"Where are you going?" I asked, resenting his lack of presence in my bed already and feeling incredibly embarrassed about it. 

"To sleep on the sofa." He said quickly. He swept his jacket and shoes off of the floor and smiled at me. "See you in the morning, Marnie. Hope I helped even a little bit." 

I barely had time to say goodnight before he was gone. 

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