Snore Bus

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*Harry's POV*

To put it simply, I was exhausted. My bunk on the tour bus was satisfactory, but it wasn't the level of comfort that I seeked right now. My head was pounding as a result of the combination of loud music and heat on stage, but the only peace and quiet I could get now relied on the thin curtain separating my bunk from the rest of the bus. Niall was snoring in his below. It had taken him all of about three seconds to conk out and I envied him for it. Liam, Louis and Zayn were chatting amongst themselves, interrupting each other's sentences with a yawn every now and then.

Flying to and from London combined with concerts and the terrible sleep I'd gotten on Marnie's sofa had wiped me out. I'd spent all of that night worrying about the things she'd told me concerning Nola's future. I'd ended up dreaming about nurseries. I didn't regret going though, her heartbreak on the phone regarding what had happened with her parents had left me with an overwhelming desire to comfort her and make her smile. I'd ended up in her bed in the early hours of the morning with my arms around her, and although it had seemed ok at the time, I wasn't sure how I felt about it now. It had felt natural. Almost too natural for two people who shared nothing other than an accidental child.

I had strangely enjoyed the family vibe I'd felt when I'd managed to soothe Nola back to sleep and then comforted Marnie. I hadn't meant to have dashed out to the lounge though. I'd wanted to stay right there with her, but the fountain of intimidating things to be done that had tumbled from her lips had quite frankly scared me. This dad business was no game. I had some serioue decisions to make, decisions that would affect my daughter's upbringing.

"Harry." Liam said suddenly.

"Yes, Liam?"

"Do you have feelings for Marnie?" My eyes flew open and I stuck my head out of the curtain, not surprised to find the other boys doing the same. Niall's snoring had ceased, presumably so he could eavesdrop.

"Why would you ask that?" I asked them warily. It was as though they'd been rooting around in my head, also trying to make sense of these confusing feelings I'd bottled up.

"We just thought it was strange that you were prepared to fly back to England to make sure she was ok." Louis shrugged.

"So?" My heart thumped in my chest and I knew I wasn't fooling anyone with my ignorance. 

"So how would you describe your relationship with her?" Zayn pressed, a lazy smirk spread over his face. I wanted to just disappear back into my bunk, wishing the divider was made of something tougher than fabric, and go to sleep. Although somehow I knew I wasn't going to get out of this interrogation.

"It's complicated." I sighed, running one of my hands through my hair. I'd been too tired to take a shower after we'd come off stage so my fingers were met by stiff matted locks that refused to budge when my fingers pressed against them. I gave up quickly, allowing my hands to fall back on the thin mattress of the bunk .

"Well how about this then," Liam said. "How would you feel if Marnie got a boyfriend or Nola gained a step-father?"

I thought I was going to be sick. 

I played the possibilities in my head; Marnie being comforted in her bed by another guy, a guy who got to spend the night in it too. I found myself scowling as I pictured his arms wrapping around her while she rambled on at him about Nola. Her ramblings had scared me into the lounge, but I couldn't bare the thought of any other guy being on the receiving end of them. And Nola, well, the idea of her having another father figure, another guy to idolise and copy - that just pushed me over the edge. I dry retched violently.

"Don't you dare." Niall warned from the bunk below. I squeezed my eyes shut as goosebumps leapt up on every inch of my skin. Marnie and Nola in a family that didn't involve me just wasn't right. But what did that mean for my feelings towards her? 

"Are you ok, mate?" Louis asked worriedly. His eyes were full of concern when I eventually opened mine. 

"I can't think of anything worse than Marnie and Nola having another man in their lives." I whispered. "But I don't know what to do. I'm selfish enough to not want them to have anyone else, and yet I don't think I can be with Marnie. It could potentially ruin everything we've just built." 

"Well at least we got it out of him." Niall said sleepily.

"Fuck off Niall, you were basically asleep for the whole thing." Zayn scoffed. 

I hung my head over the side of the bunk, trying to come to terms with the fact that I'd just found out I had feelings for Marnie. She had been right when she'd called our situation a mess. I doubted she could feel the same way I did. Nola was her number one priority and I wasn't sure she had room for much else. For a fleeting moment another matter crossed my mind.

"What should I do about Nola's privacy? I mean, do I keep her a secret forever or what?" Marnie's rambling had clearly left an indent on my brain. 

"I think you should introduce her to the fans." Zayn shrugged. "If they know the truth they'll respect her privacy."

"I'm not sure how Marnie would feel about that." I sighed. Of course I knew how she'd feel - she'd be totally against it. My head continued to throb at the intensity of the evening. All I'd wanted was to go straight to bed and yet somehow I'd found myself as the victim of an interrogation. I decided to change the subject.

"So, Niall. What do you think of Elenore?" Everyone's eyes turned towards Niall's bunk.


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