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Chapter 7

Claire's point of view

"Like take me somewhere right now? What about Louis, he could come home early something" i heave, my lungs still gasping for air from our kiss, and he nods with a smirk. His hands still on my waist, i feel his warmth radiate through my body and want nothing more than to go with him.

"He won't" he says simply with a endearing confused look, and i melt at the sight.

"Ok" i nod, and run my hands through his hair, brushing it from his face. As my fingers touch the side of his face, he inhales sharply through his nose and backs away from my touch. I wonder for a second before he grabs my hands and smiles.

"Let's go"


I've never been inside of his car before. I saw it the day after he moved in, in the parking garage. It looks so... smooth, and expensive. I'm not used to that. I mean, after i came here i've never really been around the luxury Louis experiences everyday. Our parents and I live in our old house back in England. But right now, i just wanna lay back and enjoy the scent of leather and Harry. His arm is on the steering wheel, the other on the gear shift. He focuses on the road, and glances at me once or twice, his breath unsteady. He seems nervous.

"Are you alright?" i nervously ask as i reach for his hand on the gear shift. He removes his hand and puts it on his lap.

"Yeah, im just.." he says and shakes his head, interrupting himself.

"Y'sure?" I just want him to talk to me. But judging from the look on his face, i shouldn't push him further. I accept the rejection and turn my head to the road. Its only 11am, i barely ate breakfast, and now Harry is taking me to his place which is like a 30 minute trip with LA traffic. Louis is at the studio for two to three hours, although we don't actually know when he's coming home. It wouldn't be easy to explain why we weren't in the house when he came back.

After a while, we're entering a neighborhood, packed with the most gorgeous properties. I gaze with admiration at all the huge buildings as were driving past them, one after one. At the end of the road, i spot a driveway and a modern-looking, pale-wooden house. As we drive closer, the huge gate blocks my view, until Harry reaches over me into the glove compartment and reaches for a small remote with a single button, and with a push, the gate slowly opens and he drives in.

The concrete driveway leads into a garage, where two other cars are resting. He gets out of the car and i try to get out, but the door is locked. He walks around and opens the door for me, and i frown as he leads me out of the garage and to the main entrance. The door is hazel wood, with two glass frames in the middle so i can see through into the living room. Wow.

The light gray couch is in the middle of the room, directed towards the wall of windows that displays the most stunning view i've ever seen. Reaching over the mountain, viewing Los Angeles centre, the tall buildings gleaming in the sunlight. A glass table is in front of the couch, and the kitchen appears a few meters to the left, made up of marble kitchen counters and beautiful stone walls. The dining room is elevated from the rest, and the long, sleek white table are surrounded by wooden chairs, wall fountains and a window to look out on the beautiful garden.

However, you can see parts being renovated. Lays of plastic wraps are laid out on the ground by the bathroom, and some buckets of paint are resting by the hallway.

"Harry, its breathtaking," i say, still staring out the windows to the incredible view. I hear him behind me, still by the door.

"Thank you," he says, like he's probably said to a thousand other girls who've stood exactly where i'm standing. I walk back to him, and his serious expression intimidates me, making me take step back.

"So what did you want to show me?" i say and he takes a deep breath. Wow, he's really nervous. Thats not like him, he's usually so sturdy and strong and now he's insecure almost. My curiosity grows as he walks over to a door in the hallway.

"Come here," he orders, opening the door and then he walks in. I follow him inside, and it looks like a study. An office desk directed at the same view from the living room. He walks behind it and opens the little drawer underneath the table. I see a stack of papers, and he carefully takes one of them and places it on the table. He waves me over with his index fingers, and i walk across the floor to the table, where the mysterious paper lays next to a pen.

"What's this?" i ask him, before i dare to read the words printed on it.

"It's a contract," after his words the room fills with a stiff silence, and i stare at the paper, reading the headline and the signature spot, and my gut drops.

"Wh- what kind of contract?" i ask, already having a clue because of the huge block letters at the top of the paper.

"If you sign it, you agree to keep any information we share, about our relationship or other wise, strictly confidential and will not discuss it to anyone,"

"B-but we-" i start and realize i dont want to finish the sentence, and Harry follows up.

"No, Claire, what happened last night is nothing in compare with what we are going to do," his words makes me loose my breath and the blood rush to my head.

"But i won't tell any-"

"Claire i'm sorry, but i can't take that risk, we can't..." he explains and stops suddenly, and with each word, i understand it more and more. After all it could ruin his entire life if this came out. And we've known each other for five days, i could be some fame sucking girl who would've run to a tabloid magazine to sell the story. But still, i can't deny the fact that it hurts a little.

"Unless you sign these papers," he says and hands me the pen. And that sentence is enough to persuade me. I take the pen out of his hand, our skin brushing together. I bring the pen to the signature line, and slowly write my name.

Right after i lift the pen from the paper, Harry grabs my hand to lift me up from the chair and turns me around to face him, and pushes his lips on mine. I feel his strong hand in my hair, holding the back of my head in place. Hi other hand holds my firmly in my back, pushing me against him. I blush, and pull away from the kiss to look down. I feel good, great, accomplished.

I feel his chest lower and raise against my cheek, where I'm resting it till i stop blushing. His finger pushes my chin upwards, and we look straight at each other.

He brings me backwards, and I fall to sit on the couch. He gets to his knees in an instant, spreading my legs.

His palms are laid out on my knees, and he looks at me with wicked eyes as he starts tugging on my shorts.

I feel every emotion of mine quicken, and I tuck my hair behind my ears, wanting to look at him. My shorts slide slightly off, and my phone falls to the floor. I glance at it and I freeze. It's a text from Louis.

*Sesh cancelled, home in 10 -Louis*


A/N: Hey im getting so motivated to write cuz people are voting and commenting and all that, and now this book has 29.7k reads!! and 239 on fanfiction!! wtf. I also changed the cover, please please comment and let me know if u liked this one better or the old one.

See you next chapter bye x

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