e l e v e n

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Chapter 11

Harry's point of view

*One hour earlier*

Her reaction to the contract wasn't what i hoped. The others jumped at the opportunity, but i didn't so care so much about if they wanted me or not. But with Claire... I want her so bad.

It's been about an hour since we ate dinner, and i'm now alone in my room, staring at the wall for 10 solid minutes. I'm not sure if she'll ever fully commit. If she'll ever want to be with me, give herself to me... I have to shake my head and stand up to stop the thoughts creeping through my mind.

I need a drink. I decide to leave the house to go to Riffs, a bar in downtown LA. I grab my keys off my nightstand and i walk towards the stairs when i notice Claire's bedroom door to the left. I hesitate for a moment before i slowly approach it and twist the handle. But just when i'm about to open the door, i decide not to. It's been a long day for her, and she could use the rest. I walk away from the door and i get to my car outside in the driveway.

When i pull up the bar, i notice the flashing lights of the crowd of paparazzi and i sigh before i open the door. They immediately swarm around me and i quickly walk to the entrance, the security guards at the door helping me along the way. I'm kind of a regular here. There used to be very few people here every night, a quiet place where i could drink and think.

But after the paps caught me here a few times, the nights have gotten louder. More boys, and definitely more girls. Since no one younger than 21 is allowed in, there have been few times i've encountered screaming fans. Usually just fame-sucking women trying to get back to my apartment. That's not enough for me anymore. Not after Claire, i want no one but her. Not even... I can't complete the awful thought.

The rock music filling whatever silence left in the room, and the drunken conversations drive me straight to the bar counter, and i ask for a beer before sitting down. I've already on earlier occasions asked security to calm down situations when they appear, but its been along time since something 'out of control' has happened. I take my first sip and close my eyes for a second. I haven't been able to relax since i met Claire, but now, i feel the alcohol sink through my throat and removing my worries, one after one.

After a while, i ask for my fourth beer. It takes a lot for me to get drunk, but i haven't eaten much today. I feel someone behind me and as i turn around i see a semi-short, redheaded girl look at me with a drink in her hand.

"Hi," she says with a smile and sits on the barstool next to me. She moves her chair closer to mine and i roll my eyes. I'm really not in the mood for this tonight. When i don't respond she continues talking.

"I see you here all the time," she says and stirs in her drink.

"Not interested love," i say bluntly, trying to get the point across. She looks at me for a few seconds before getting off her chair. She must not be used to rejection.

Three drinks later, and i can now admit that i am drunk. Not that drunk, but i definitely can't drive home tonight. The blazing music have become louder, and the conversation have become fewer. Most of the people are dancing. I get off my barstool to get some fresh air outside, and i cant find the door for a while. When i look back, i see her. Her blonde hair glimmering in the lights, and i my gut drops as i think about the circumstances. I haven't seen her for five days, since right before the party where i met Claire. We were... Ugh. But then i met Claire, and i haven't seen her since.

I can't talk to her now. She must be waiting for a call, but i haven't felt the need to see her. She can't know i'm here. I have to leave.

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