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Chapter 9

Claire's point of view

The room is filled with tension as Louis sits down beside me and starts asking about my fake panic attack. The guilt pulsing through me, i see his genuine worry in his blue eyes.

"What triggered it?" Louis asks, and i quickly scan my mind for a lie.

"Michael and I had a fight," i say, my body growing more tense with each word. Louis nods, and i spot Harry's eyes, still locked on me.

"About what?" Louis eyes fill with curiousness, and i wipe my sweaty palms on my thighs.

"I don't really want to talk about it," i avoid his question, and Louis frowns. I feel like he knows it's a lie, or maybe i'm being paranoid. I'm not usually good at lying, but all of my energy right now is going into being as believable as possible. I glance on the clock on the wall behind Harry, and its five past 2 o'clock.

I few moments of silence pass before Harry leans forward where he sits on the couch.

"You should get some rest Claire," his hands are intertwined, and his white striped shirt hangs loosely around his upper body, showing parts of some tattoos on his chest, making me urge to see them.

"He's right," Louis nods and offers me a hand getting up and walks me towards the stairs. I look back at Harry, and his worried, confused, angry look frightens me as i leave the room.

"You sure your alright?" Louis asks beside me, my stomach cringes with guilt seeing how upset and worried Louis has gotten. When we get to my bedroom, he offers me something to eat or drink but i decline and say that i'm going to take a nap. I close the door when he leaves, finding my phone from my back-pocket and sending a text to Michael.

*If anyone asks, we had a fight*

I'm still worried about how Harry looked at me down there. But i don't get why he would be angry. We've haven't known each other for very long, and i haven't even thought about my anxiety disorder since i've met him.

My panic attacks are something i haven't struggled with for three years, and to bring it up again now to keep my brother from knowing that i'm hooking up with his best friend.. I'm the worst sister ever.

Harry's point of view

Their voices fade away as they're walking up the stairs, leaving me alone with my thoughts. My adrenaline slowly goes away and i walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water to cool down. That was close, i could see some sort of suspicion in Louis' eyes right before Claire lied about her panic attack.

I shouldn't get so mad about her not telling me about any panic attacks she had when she was younger, but i couldn't help it. To know that she has some sort of anxiety disorder makes me chill, and worried. What could have developed that? Louis seemed extremely worried, it must be something serious for him to get that upset. After a while, I hear Louis walk down the stairs, and i walk to the living room again to ask him about it.

"Hey man," Louis mumbles and exhales in frustration, sitting down my the table.

"Hey, you ok?" i ask him as he leans his head on his hand, his elbow on the armrest.

"Me? I'm okay, Claire's the one who just had a panic attack," he gnarls, clearly a little irritated from my question.

"You were there, how did it happen?" he asks. My thoughts scatter when i need them, searching for a story to tell him.

"Well, she was in her room," i say and clear my throat, my head bewildered with thousands of scenarios to use.

"And i didn't really see.. it," he keep eye contact with me, making me look down.

"I just heard her cry, and i walked into the room and she was having trouble breathing, so i carried her to my car and drove her to the emergency room," i say in one go, exhaling at the end.

I frown at the scene of Claire crying, reminded of this morning, when she got so upset that i ignored her after we met in the bathroom. I'm reminded of why, that i decided to leave her alone because i am no good for her, and she'll end up hurt.

That's all i do, hurt people, and if not, they leave me when they find out who i really am. Claire can't find out. But even though i swore to myself that i would distance myself from her, it didn't work. 1 fucking hour and we were kissing in my room. Louis nods at my explanation, and i feel relieved.

"Do the panic attacks happen often?" i ask, i want to find out more about it.

"She haven't had one in over three years, but before that she used to have them like once or twice a week," he explains, still looking down with his hair ruffled up.

"Why? Like was there any cause?" i question him further, trying not to sound too worried.

"Well... Growing up, our parents fought a lot, and i always used to calm the situations down when they occurred." His eyes darkens with the words.

"But after the X factor when i moved out to the states, there wasn't really anyone there to protect her from it," he explains and i see a smidge of guilt in his eyes.

"Thank you for taking care of her by the way," he says.

Its three o'clock and about an hour since Louis walked Claire up to her room. We haven't eaten since breakfast, so i close my laptop and look around the room. It's dead silent, and i try to hear something from Claire's room. But i hear nothing. Maybe she's really asleep. Louis is taking a nap on the couch, and i went up to my room to work.

I get up from my bed and notice how tired my body feels. I go to Claire's room, and knock lightly on the door.

"Come in," i hear her voice beyond the door. I enter the room and i spot her laying under the covers, with a weak facial expression.

"Oh, i thought you were Louis," she says and pushes the duvet off her and sits up. I walk over to her, and i smell her heavenly scent as her beautiful eyes look up at mine. Even though i'm tired and hungry, i have to restrain myself from pushing her down on the bed, and ravage her from head to toe.

"You hungry?" i ask, looking down on her.

"Not really," she frowns,

"You have to eat. C'mon," i offer my hand and a cute frown appears on her face before she takes it and stands up. We go downstairs and she releases my hand as we enter the living room, where Louis is sleeping on the couch.

I approach him and shake his shoulder lightly.

"Louis, were going for lunch you wanna come with?" he opens his eyes, and shakes his head slightly.

"I ate at the studio, but you guys go," he says, closing his eyes again. We leave the room and i grab Claire's hand as we walk to the car.

Claire's point of view

I like it when he holds my hand. He hasn't let it go since we got in the car, and i feel his long fingers intertwined with mine, his index finger making circular motions on the back of my hand, reminding me of my dream. My heart jumps at the memory, still embarrassed about it.

I look over at him, and he's concentrating at the road before him, his other hand on the steering wheel. I don't know if i'll ever get used to his company. It's like whenever i'm with him, i'm so calm and so uneasy at the same time. I'm not as nervous around him as i was when we first met four days ago, but i'm still intimidated by him, i don't know if that'll ever change. It's not often i've seen him smile. But sometimes it's like he takes off a mask and is this goofy, sweet person.

When i look around at the road, i realize that we aren't heading to the city. I thought we were going for lunch?

"Where are we going?" i ask.

"My place."

A/N: 100K READS. thank you so much, i cant believe that im already at chapter 9 D:
PLease please continue to vote and comment:DDD

See you next chapter;)

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