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i will ask you in your face if what you feel for me is without a doubt the truest feeling you've ever felt. i will not be decieved like every single person i know.

this is the reason why i walk alone at school.

countless times ive been asked the same question. how do i explain to them that i will never feel what everyone feels. that i will keep on walking, ignoring everyone elses voice of taunting peer pressure.

fuck off. i will not succumb to a numbing pleasure.

i focus too much on the pain of relationships to divert from the happiness that they beam that may make me the slightest bit envious.

i do not mind that i sleep alone as well.


i think too much about this, when no other thoughts seem to come to me. in the shower when the steam hits my face, i wonder why there are brokenhearted people who put themselves in the most abusive of relationships. and when i stare at the light on my desk, i wonder why my friend can say on one day that love sucks and on the other say love makes her feel lighter than air. then i look at the glaring 1 am number, and i close my eyes and dream.

when i often think, i often dream. this mind longs to be what others dream of too. imagination runs deep within me. im using it right now.

i dream perhaps someone can fix me some day. if never, i shall do so myself.

thoughts of an aromanticWhere stories live. Discover now