Chapter nineteen: the choice

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The door began shaking on its hinges and the person behind it was bashing their fists against the wooden door. Luke and Jamie's faces grew white with fear. Seems that the Angel and demon followed Jamie as he tried to escape.
Blake lets out a low chuckle as he watches the boys scramble to their feet and walk towards the back of the room.
"He's gonna kill me" I hear Luke say, stuttering with fear. He acts like he's untouchable but once the prince of hell arrives he acts weak.

"Open the door or I'll burn it down!" Leo beams on the other side of the door. I look towards the boys but none of them appear to be moving. Sighing, I walk towards the door and swing it open. Leo scowls at me but once he realises who he's staring at, his eyes soften up with shock.

"Raven?" I hear Ally say from behind him. I glance her way, noticing the confusion in her eyes. Taking a quick glance back inside the apartment, Blake silently laughing at the boys cowering in the corner. Reluctantly, I decide to let the two inside.

"Why don't you two come inside?" I say, stepping out of the way allowing them access to enter. The two of them obediently follow my instruction and sit themselves on the small sofa in the middle of the room. Leo glares at Luke and Blake.
Blake shrugs the glare off like it was nothing however Luke tries to escape into the other room. I stare at him, boring my eyes into his gesturing for him to stay put. He doesn't move after that.

"I thought you were kidnapped?" Ally asks, staring at me. I look towards Blake, using my eyes to suggest that he should take over. Sighing he begins to speak.

"She was" Blake begins.

"Was, what do you mean was?!" Leo angrily interrupts. Never get on the bad side of Leonardo Hellington, the son of Satan is not afraid to release all hell onto those who anger him, I've witnessed it happen in the past. We never heard from that poor soul again.

"Well what do you think I mean demon, does she look tied up?" My brother states, gesturing towards me. This just angers Leo even more, causing him to stand up and saunter his way over to my brother. Ally looks up at me concerned, I roll my eyes at the boys. Deciding to take matters into my own hands, I summon my scythe to my hand due to it being left in the underworld. Once a click my fingers, the ruby scythe appears in my hand. Raising it in the air, I swiftly pound it onto the ground creating a great bang to erupt around the apartment. Leo and Blake look at me confused as I glare at the two of them.

"If you two could stop acting like children it would be most appreciated" I beam, scowling at their immature behaviour. Leo sighs as he makes his way back to the sofa to sit down.

"The reason we kidnapped Raven was because we needed her to agree with something" Blake announces.

"So you took her against her will and forced her to agree to your terms" Leo says, the anger in his voice becoming more evident.

"It sounded better when I said it but yes" Blake says, sneering at the demon. Leo has never been too fond of my brother. In fact he hated him. I can't blame him though, he did abandon me for two years to take over his duty, which I have become attached to so he has no chance of getting it back.

"Let's not carry on talking about my issue here, instead perhaps some immortal would like to talk about theirs" I say, hinting to Luke to speak up.
Leo folds his arms over his broad chest, sneering at Luke waiting for him to speak up.

"Well you see.." Luke stutters as he speaks, the fear in his voice is evident and I know that Leo likes it that way.

"Come on immortal spit it out!" Blake shouts, getting tired of his antics.

"The vampire King is after me to get Raven to hand over Ally" Luke says, shuffling about in the spot.
Leo's eyes grow wide and he begins to march his way over to Luke.

"What?!" Leo bellows, lifting Luke off the ground by his shirt.

"It's not my fault!" Luke beams back in response, growing angry at the demon. Sighing, I swish my scythe in the air causing Leo to put Luke down. He growls as he walks back to his seat next to Ally.

"Fighting isn't going to change anything" I say aloud, eyeing the boys to assure Ally that no more violence will occur.

"Well what do you have in mind then?" Leo says, huffing as he watches Luke fidget around in the corner.

"You're going to have to trust me but, I think I need to be turned into a mortal" I say. All of sudden, all eyes are drawn to me as everyone stares at me in shock.

"No Raven I can't do that!" Ally says, looking afraid.
"If I take your powers away, you will be left vulnerable and don't you need to protect Luke anyway"
I watch Ally's concern grow as she finishes what she needs to say.

"Bloodbrook has never seen my face, I've always been wearing my cloak whenever I've been near him. If you turn me into a mortal, it might convince him that Luke here has no business with death because he will be with a mortal woman" I say, looking into Luke's eyes as he gazes at me with confusion.

"Are you sure about this Raven? What about dad how do you think he will feel?" Blake says, his eyes changing from inconsiderate to sympathetic. The type of eyes a brother would have when concerned for their younger sibling.

"I'll need you to distract father"
Blake grins, meaning he agrees to my plan.

"Are you ready?" Ally asks me, making her way towards me.
I nod in confirmation.

"The choice has been made" I say proudly.

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