Chapter fifty eight: Goodbye Mother

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Without realising what I'm doing, I leap towards the woman known as my mother, and push Rayne away from her. He stumbles backwards a few steps before his gaze connects with mine.

"I don't think you'll be getting that sacrifice anytime soon" I say, straightening myself up and shielding Crowe from his view.

Rayne smirks as he watches the scene unfold in front of him. I can hear Blake take a step towards me from my side, but I raise my hand in his direction, telling him to stop.

This is my fight, and I will win.

"Are you sure you want to do this, little reaper? You hate your mother, don't you?"

My gaze finds itself looking at the ground beneath my feet.

He's not wrong.

But he's not right either.

"You can't stand that woman. You know she's only using you, don't you?"

Using me? Is this really the best he can do?

I find my lips curling upwards after his previous words.

"Rayne, since you seem to know me oh so well, then you also know I'm stubborn"

Rayne drops his previous smirk, and just blankly stares at me, taking in my words.

"I'm not the type to give up easily, now am I?"

This is it, the ball is now in my court Rayne. I've got you exactly where I want you.

"Yes, Crowe and I have had our little fights. But as much as I hate to admit it, she is the woman that gave birth to me"

"Be grateful, giving birth to a Demi god wasn't easy..." I hear Crowe mutter from behind me.

"So tell me Rayne, what exactly is your plan now?"

For a few moments, only silence passes.

Rayne staring at me.

Me staring back.

Blake probably looking confused, thinking I'm an idiot for doing this.

And Crowe, hoping whatever I am doing will keep her light shining just a little bit longer.

"Be careful Raven" Rayne says, ripping his gaze from me to look out the window.

I hear Crowe hold in a breath as she watches Rayne begin to pace around the room. I turn to look at Blake and watch as his jaw clenches in anticipation.

"Don't you know messing with fire can lead you to be burned?" Rayne says, cocking his head in my direction.

"Trust me, I've had my fair share of flames"

I'm not backing down Rayne.

My best friend is the son of the devil.

My father is the God of death.

I am the daughter of the Grim Reaper.

"Now I'll ask again, what is your move?" I say, arching an eyebrow in his direction.

Rayne looks at me, his eyes narrowing.

I knew it.

He doesn't have a plan. It was all just a bluff.

He's stupid if he thinks he can beat m-

"You're still human Raven"

Rayne turns towards me, and smiles.

"You're weak like this, you know that?"

Weak? Am I?

"The human body is a very fragile machine. It just takes one small thing, to make everything go wrong"

I watch as Rayne raises his left hand up towards his face, yet his gaze never falters from mine.

"Something, like this perhaps?"

Rayne clicks his fingers, and a sharp pain flows through my body.

I clutch my chest as I fall to the ground, shaking. I hear someone run to my side, but I can't open my eyes.

The pain is invigorating.

I've never felt anything like it.

Voices begin to blur around me, but I can just about hear Rayne laughing and was that a bang? Did I hear a bang?

"Raven where does it hurt?"

Who said that? Why can't I hear anyone?




Is my heart racing?




Am I scared?

What's happening to me?

"Hey, stay with me Raven. You're not going anywhere just yet"

But at that point, I allowed the black void to swallow me up whole. It hurt, a lot but I didn't allow it to take away my consciousness. I simply allowed it full control over my mortal body.

The pain had won.

Rayne had won.

Or did he?

There was that unusual bang that I couldn't explain, and then who was it that was comforting me? For some reason I highly doubt that is was Crowe or Blake for that matter. Something just didn't feel... right about it.


That soft, comforting voice. Who could it possibly belong to?

"Quickly, smash that orb. Now!"

And just like that, the pain vanished along with the sound of glass shattering against the floor. My head aches, but I can feel my senses slowly returning. I can feel someone's arms wrapped around me. I feel... warm.

My patience was wearing thin, I needed to know who it was that was holding me. Comforting me.

But when I opened my eyes, I was shocked. There were a few more people in the room now, and I recognised all of them. Ally was stood shivering in the doorway, and Leo was seemingly holding Rayne against his will as he pinned him to the wall.

Then there was my dear brother, kneeling over... a corpse?

Taking a closer look, I soon realise that the corpse was non other than the very woman I tried saving only moments before.

Crowe, was dead.

And when I finally looked away, my eyes connected with one person I didn't want to see. The one person I thought I'd banished from my life. In fact, it's impossible for them to be here, surely they weren't as stupid as to come back?

But sure enough, here they were in the flesh. Comforting me of all people! I'm practically the princess of darkness, yet when I looked into their eyes, my heart started racing.

My eyes subconsciously traced the curve in their lips, watching as they pulled upwards in a smile directed at me.

A smile I thought I would never see again. And with that thought in mind, there was only one word I could utter.


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