Chapter twenty three: Blakes point of view.

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Raven has been mortal for a day now and I have been doing very well at distracting my father into thinking she is down on earth collecting souls. Father still doesn't trust me but I can tell he is glad to have his son back. He hasn't pressed on the matter of my reason for leaving because if he asks, he knows he will receive an answer he doesn't want. I have fallen in love and I won't deny it. The girl I have fallen in love with has changed me. She helped me overcome my selfish needs and was one of the reasons why I helped that immortal.

Since Raven is busy down on earth, I've had my powers reinstated by dear old dad so that I could get back into the business. Dad sent me to the small country of Wales to collect someone soul from drowning in the River Dee or something. All I know is that I will find the soul in North Wales. Leaving the underworld, I head to my destination. My jobs are usually very quick so I grab the soul and send it to the underworld. I noticed the scenery was very beautiful so I decide to stay and watch the sun set. I hear footsteps close in on me but I don't worry about it after all, reapers can never be seen on duty.

"Blake my son" I hear a familiar voice say behind me. A chill runs up my spine as I turn around and am greeted with the dark green eyes belonging to my mother.

"Mother" I growl, gripping my scythe closer to me.

"Well that's an improvement, your sister wouldn't even call me that" she says, laughing bitterly.

"What the hell have you done to Raven" I beam at her, pointing my scythe straight at her. Mother just tutts, pushing my scythe to the side.

"You and I both know you have been out of the game for far too long to pose a threat to me" she says. She's been observing us closely I see.

"You didn't answer my question" I say, demanding her to answer it.

"Your sister is safe and is once again a reaper" she announces. My eyes widen in shock. If Raven has her powers back, that must mean Luke has been taken captive by the vampires.
"You were always my clever boy Blake, I see you figured everything out" she says, her cold hands cupping my cheeks. I shove her away from me and she simply pouts at me.

"Why are you here mother" I say, showing my annoyance of her presence.

"I'm here to collect my son of course" she says to me, a serious tone in her voice.

"No no no you lost that privilege when you left" I say, stepping away from her. She may be my mother be she lost all custody to Raven and I when she ran away with that wizard boy. I sneer at her as she takes a step closer to me.

"Blake come to mummy like your sister" she says, opening her arms wide, thinking that I'd come running in her arms.

"I'm not a child mother" I snarl at her as she pouts pathetically.

"You know, your anger reminds me so much of your father yet your actions are very similar to mine" she says to me, sinisterly smiling. I look at her with confusion in my eyes.

"I'm nothing like you!" I beam, taking another step backwards. The furthest away I am from her, the better.

"Oh but you are Blake my boy. You abandoned your duty just like I abandoned your father" she says, grinning deviously after every word.

"That's different, besides I returned!" I snarl back at her.

"Now hush son, we're leaving" she tells me. Before I can retaliate, she grabs both my hands and a green smoke surrounds us. I look around me and notice I'm in a strange home with the interior coved in many dark shades of green. It reminded me too much of my mothers eye colour. Beside me is a velvet sofa with Raven lying on it unconscious. Hurriedly, I rush to her side cradling her sleeping body. I sneer at Crowe as she smiles down at us.

"You said she was safe!" I snap at her, looking down at my poor sister.

"Relax its just a sleeping spell, the girl wouldn't let me near her so I put her to sleep. Don't worry, she will wake up soon" she says, grinning down at me as if she hadn't noticed her daughter was unconscious.

"You do realise that when she wakes up she won't think twice about bringing all hell on you right?" I say as threateningly as possible. She just looks at Raven and smiles.

"She's very powerful, it's one of the reasons why I brought her here" she says, her smile not fading. That's when it hit me. I look up at her dark green eyes and realise what she had been plotting all along. I knew it just from the way she was looking at Raven.

"You're part of the rebellion!" I beam at her, standing up and pointing my scythe at her.

"Haven't you ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat" my mother says, sneering at me. She sways her hand in the air and my scythe is flung to the other part of the room.
I snarl at her and run right at her. Just as I'm about to reach her, I freeze on the spot unwillingly. I look around and I am met with a pair of grey eyes. I knew just by the glare that wizard boy had come to protect his 'love'.

"I told you Crowe that I didn't want your children here" he says, glaring right at me. I glare right back but my mother just lets out a sigh.

"We've been over the plan many times Rayne. I need the two of them in order to take over the underworld otherwise how will you and I become completely invincible?" My mother says, looking back at Raven. I follow her gaze and realise that my sister had begun to stir in her seat. That's when I managed to let out a snicker. Boy would she be mad.
Her ruby eyes flutter open, and straight away she stands up, glaring at mother. She notices my position and summons her scythe to her side. She twirls it in the air and I am released from the position, crashing to the floor. I don't care though, I manage to grab my scythe and walk alongside my sister. We both glare at the couple in front of us.

"Crowe.." I hear Rayne mutter but she just simply smiles.

"Ravenna my dear, you're awake!" She exclaims, clapping both hands together. Raven gives her a look of disgust. She hates being called Ravenna.

"That's not my name!" She beams, pointing her ruby scythe at Crowe. Her eyes begin to fill with fire, the black in the middle of her ruby eyes began to swirl. This happens only when reapers are furious and trust me when I say don't get on the wrong end of my sister. I copy her stance, and point my black scythe at Crowe. Rayne brings his hand in the air, a green fireball glowing in his palm but Crowe quickly tutts and forces his hand down.

"We both know that now that my sweet Ravenna is awake, she is very well able to kill us" Crowe says, smiling at Raven. Ravens eyes bore into Crowes, intimidating me more than her.
Suddenly a crash comes from the front of the house. All eyes turn to the direction of the noise and standing before us is none other than dad.

"Father?!" Raven exclaims, shocked at his arrival.

"Dad!" I yell, as he aims his silver scythe at the two immortal's in the room.

"Three against one isn't fair" Crowe cries out. She takes hold of Rayne's hand.
"I'll be back my sweet children" she says before a green mist envelops them, causing them to disappear from the room. Dad looks at the two of us and sighs in relief. He looks at Raven with a proud gaze and turns to me.

"I thought I'd lose you again" he says, walking towards me and placing both hands on my shoulders.

"Don't worry dad, I'm far from gone" I say, patting him on the back. He looks at me and sighs.

"Now how about you tell your sister and I who this lovely girl is" he says, pointing at the door.
Raven and I grow confused and stare at the doorway in disbelief. A girl with brown curls enters the room and I immediately run over to her, wrapping my arms around her small body. I look into her big brown eyes and smile.

"Harriet" I say, my tone full of love. She smiles at me, attaching my lips to hers in an instant. I wanted to stay like that with her forever but someone decided to cough in the background. I turn back to face the person who coughed and noticed it was my sister.

"Well then an explanation would be really appreciated" Raven says. I nod and begin to introduce her to the beautiful Harriet. The girl who saved me from myself.

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