First Appointment

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The following morning you woke up before Niall and headed downstairs. You made yourself a cup of tea as you sat down on one of the stools pulled up to the kitchen island. You decided that you should probably make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to make sure you get the proper care and treatment during your pregnancy.

You walked over to the fridge and looked for your doctor's number on the list of numbers you had hanging there. You found the number and dialed it and waited as it rang a few times before anyone answered.

"Thank you for calling London Family Health Clinic (not sure if this is an actual place-- I just came up with a random name), how can I help you?" A woman answered.

"I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Y/doctor/N." You said.

"Okay and can I get your name?" She asked.

"Y/n Horan." You said.

"Okay and what will Dr. Y/doctor/N be seeing you for today?" She asked.

"I think I am pregnant." You said.

"Okay, and when would you like to come in?" She asked.

"Preferably as soon as possible." You said.

"Okay it looks like she just had a slot open up for this morning. Would you be able to come in today at 10:30?" She asked.

You looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:00.

"Wow. That's really soon! Yeah I can do that!" You said.

"Great we will see you then." She said.

You hung up the phone and then hurried down the hallway to your master suite. You walked over to the bed where Niall was sprawled out, his lips slightly parted as soft snores came out. Conor was curled up on your side of the bed next to Niall. Apparently he had moved from the bottom of your bed to your spot once you got out of bed.

You hated to wake Niall up because you knew this was his last chance to sleep in for a while, but you also knew that you wanted him to be there with you at your appointment.

"Niall! Baby wake up!" You said as you gently shook his arms.

"Hmm." He hummed barely awake.

"I need you to get up babe." You said.

"Five more minutes." He mumbled in his thick, raspy morning voice.

"Niall it's important." You said.

"Baby, five more minutes. I'll get up. Promise." He mumbled before rolling over so that his back was to you.

"'s about the baby." You said, knowing that would wake him up.

His eyes popped open and he sat up. He turned to you and looked up at you and then his eyes glanced down at your stomach.

"Are you okay? Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yes, everything is okay. But I called the hospital." You said.

"And?" He said.

"We have an appointment in an hour and a half." You said.

"Really?" He said excitedly.

"Yes, really! So I need you to get up and get ready." You said.

"Okay. I can't believe you got an appointment that fast!" He said.

"I can't either!" You said.

An hour later you and Niall were pulling out of the garage headed to the hospital where your appointment was.

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